Chapter 71

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The Berkshires Discover Dr. Vale

 The Berkshires' mansion, a lavish and elegantly decorated space. The parlor is dimly lit, with ornate furniture and expensive art pieces adorning the walls. Blair and Lorenzo Berkshire sit across from Rosetta and Lucius Malfoy. The air is thick with intrigue and curiosity.

Blair Berkshire leaned forward, her curiosity evident. "So, Rosetta, Lucius, how has your therapy been going? We've noticed a remarkable change in how you both interact."

Rosetta smiled warmly. "It's been incredibly beneficial. Dr. Vale is unlike any therapist we've worked with before. His methods are unconventional but very effective."

Lorenzo Berkshire raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "Dr. Vale, you say? We've heard whispers about him but haven't met the man. What makes him so different?"

Lucius nodded in agreement. "Dr. Vale has a unique way of helping us confront our issues directly. He asks pointed questions that make us reflect deeply on our actions and motivations."

Blair exchanged a glance with Lorenzo, both clearly intrigued. "Fascinating. We've been considering seeking some outside perspective ourselves. Would you recommend him?"

Rosetta answered without hesitation. "Absolutely. He's helped us uncover layers we didn't even know existed. His insights are invaluable."

Lorenzo smirked slightly. "Consider us intrigued. Do you think he'd be open to a private consultation? For privacy reasons, of course."

Lucius nodded again. "I don't see why not. We can give you with his contact information. I'm sure he'd be more than willing to meet with you."

Blair smiled, her eyes gleaming with interest. "Thank you, both. We look forward to meeting this Dr. Vale."

Rosetta and Lucius both smiled and nodded. "You're welcome."

The Berkshires Discuss Dr. Vale Privately

The Berkshires' private study, a room filled with bookshelves, a large mahogany desk, and luxurious chairs. Blair and Lorenzo sit across from each other, their expressions thoughtful and calculating.

Lorenzo Berkshire leaned back in his chair, fingers steepled. "So, what do you make of this Dr. Vale?"

Blair sipped her wine, eyes narrowed in thought. "He's clearly effective if the Malfoys are singing his praises. But more importantly, he's become an influential figure in their lives. We need to understand who he is and how he operates."

Lorenzo nodded. "Agreed. If he's that good, we can use him to our advantage. But first, we need to assess him. See where his loyalties lie and how far we can push him."

Blair smiled slyly. "Exactly. We'll invite him here, under the guise of a private consultation. Gauge his methods and his intentions. And if he proves useful, we'll find a way to exploit that. Imagine having a man like him on our side, manipulating the power dynamics as we see fit."

Lorenzo smirked. "It could be quite advantageous. But we must tread carefully. He might be more cunning than we think. We'll have to approach this delicately, ensuring we maintain the upper hand."

Blair nodded in agreement. "Agreed. We'll start with the consultation, see how he interacts with us, and then decide our next move. If he's as good as the Malfoys claim, he could be a valuable asset. Or, if not, at least we'll know more about the man influencing them."

Lorenzo raised his glass. "To new opportunities, then."

Blair clinked her glass with his. "To new opportunities."

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