Chapter 81

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As the day of the ceremony approached, Dr. Gideon Vale found himself in a state of unprecedented turmoil. His usually composed and methodical mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions and thoughts. The lines between his professional obligations and personal desires had become perilously blurred, and the stakes had never felt higher.

Standing in front of the mirror in his apartment, Gideon scrutinized his reflection. His eyes, usually so piercing and confident, now held a flicker of uncertainty. He adjusted his tie, his movements deliberate and controlled, but his mind was anything but.

What am I doing? he thought, a rare moment of self-doubt creeping into his consciousness. This goes beyond any professional boundary I've ever encountered. Drinking from her... it's not just a ritual, it's an intimate act of submission.

He remembered Rosetta's words, the fire in her eyes when she proposed this. Her ambition was palpable, intoxicating even. It was one of the things that drew him to her, a magnetic force he found hard to resist. She had a way of making him feel alive, pushing him to the edge of his comfort zone and beyond.

Why do I feel this way? he mused. Why does she have such a hold over me? The truth was, he was fascinated by her in a way he had never been with anyone else. Her ruthlessness, her determination, her willingness to embrace the darkness within her—it resonated with something deep inside him. Something he had kept hidden for so long.

He thought back to the test he had set for her, how she had executed it with ruthless precision. Watching her dismantle Cassandra Thorn's career had been both a confirmation of her capabilities and a reminder of the power she wielded. It had also made him question his own limits, his own willingness to embrace the darkness for the sake of power.

Is this truly what I want? he questioned himself. To be bound to her in such an intimate and irrevocable way? The idea was both thrilling and terrifying. He had always prided himself on his control, his ability to remain detached and objective. But with Rosetta, that detachment was slipping away, and he was left grappling with feelings he didn't fully understand.

He poured himself a glass of whiskey, hoping it would steady his nerves. The amber liquid swirled in the glass, catching the light as he took a sip. The warmth spread through him, but it did little to calm the storm inside his head.

If I do this, there's no turning back, he realized. I will be bound to her, body and soul. Am I ready for that? Can I handle what comes next?

A part of him wanted to run, to distance himself from the situation and regain his sense of control. But another part, a darker, more primal part, was drawn to the power and the connection that Rosetta offered. He knew that this ritual would change everything, that it would bind him to her in ways he could hardly fathom. And yet, he couldn't deny the allure.

What will Astaroth's gift be? he wondered. And what will I become in the process?

With a deep breath, Gideon made his decision. He would go through with it. He would drink from her, and he would embrace whatever came next. Because, for better or worse, Rosetta had awakened something in him that he could no longer ignore. And in that awakening, he saw the potential for a power greater than anything he had ever known.

As he left his apartment, his resolve hardened. He would face this test head-on, and he would emerge stronger for it. The lines might be blurred, but the path forward was clear. And whatever the future held, he was ready to embrace it with open arms.

The Manor, an Hour Before the Ceremony

The grand sitting room of Malfoy Manor was filled with an air of tension. Lucius, Rosetta, and Mattheo sat in plush chairs arranged in a semi-circle around a low table. A fire crackled in the ornate fireplace, casting flickering shadows on the walls adorned with portraits of Malfoy ancestors.

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