Chapter 49

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Morning Drive to with the Rook and the Queen

The next morning, as Mattheo arrived to pick up Rosetta for work, he noticed the determined set of her jaw and the fire in her eyes. She got into the car, and before he could even greet her, she launched into her questioning.

"What happened to Daniel?" Rosetta demanded, her voice sharp with urgency.

Mattheo tightened his grip on the steering wheel, keeping his eyes forward as he started the car. "It's none of your concern, Rosetta. The situation was handled appropriately."

She frowned, crossing her arms over her chest. "I need to know, Mattheo. I have a right to know what happened."

He could feel her gaze boring into him, but he kept his tone steady and firm. "No, you don't. Knowing won't change anything, and it won't help you."

Rosetta's frustration was palpable. "That's not for you to decide. I need to be aware of what's going on, especially when it concerns me."

Mattheo glanced at her, his expression hardening. "Rosetta, listen to me. I will never put you in a situation where you have to lie about what happened. It's best for you if you don't know."

Her eyes flashed with defiance. "So you're just going to keep me in the dark? Treat me like some delicate flower who can't handle the truth?"

He pulled the car over to the side of the road, turning to face her fully. "I'm treating you like someone who deserves to be protected from the filth that tries to harm you. Daniel is no longer a threat. That's all you need to know. Tell me you understand. Now."

Rosetta's breath caught in her throat. The intensity in Mattheo's eyes, the sheer dominance in his voice, sent a shiver down her spine. She felt a mix of emotions: frustration at being kept in the dark, yet a deep, undeniable sense of safety in his presence.

"I... I understand," she replied quietly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Mattheo's expression softened just a fraction, but his resolve remained firm. "Good. I need you to trust me on this, Rosetta. Trust that I'm doing everything in my power to keep you safe. What you need, I will provide. That is what I'm here for."

She nodded, her submissive response making them both feel vulnerable. It was a rare moment of raw honesty between them, one that left them both exposed.

"I do trust you, Mattheo," she said, her voice trembling slightly. "I feel helpless."

He reached out, taking her hand in his, squeezing it gently. "You're not helpless. You're one of the strongest people I know. But sometimes, strength means letting someone else carry the burden."

Rosetta looked down at their joined hands, feeling the warmth and the strength in his grip. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart. "I don't like it, but I trust you."

Mattheo nodded, releasing her hand and starting the car again. "That's all I ask. I don't want to hear another word about it. Now, let's get to work."

The rest of the drive was silent, but the tension between them had shifted. There was a new understanding, a deeper connection forged in that vulnerable moment. Mattheo felt a fierce protectiveness over Rosetta, but also a growing respect for her strength and resilience.

As they arrived at the campaign office, Mattheo parked the car and turned to Rosetta. "Remember, focus on your campaign. I'll handle everything else. I'm your right hand man, Rosetta."

She nodded, meeting his gaze with a determined look. "I will. Thank you, Mattheo."

He watched her get out of the car, her resolve and strength evident in every step she took. Mattheo knew he had made the right decision, but it didn't make the situation any easier. Protecting Rosetta meant keeping her at arm's length, and that was a painful reality he had to accept.

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