Meet, Greet, and Recap

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A/N: TW miscarriage, death

For those of you who are coming along for the journey, this will be the last chapter set in 2072 for a bit. As the chapter recaps much of the first half of 2024, it is where I will diverge from Charlotte's content and move forward on my own. I want to thank all of you who are reading and hope you enjoy the remainder of the story - Aiden


Ollie felt the sting of tears in his eyes as Marjorie finished her story. Noah held his hand and nodded toward his grandmother and uncle. "They made it through, love", he said. Oliver saw that as he was lost in conversation, breakfast was all but finished. This was just the first morning of the family weekend Noah's family had planned and Oliver had already felt so many feelings wash over him. His smile returned when he saw Charlotte across the room in animated conversation with a group of small children. He assumed they must be cousins, and when he heard Charlotte laugh he let out a small chuckle of his own.

After helping Reed and Emma clean up after breakfast, Noah and Oliver settled in the den and chatted about their morning. Oliver was animatedly telling Noah about some antics his sister had gotten up to the night before, and they both were staring at Oliver's phone laughing when Winter entered.

"Hello, Grandfather", Noah said.

"Hello, my boy, how has your morning been?" Winter asked.

The boys began to tell Winter about their trip and how they spent their morning since arriving. Just then Sorscha came barreling through the door so abruptly that it swung on its hinges for a few moments.

"Noah, I heard you were here with your young man," Sorscha said. Noah grinned and wrapped his arms around her and asked after Clodagh.

"Oh, she is in there doting over all the grandbabies with Charlie."

Noah turned to Oliver and clarified that Charlie was Gran Charlotte. He nodded and stuck out his hand to shake Sorscha's as Noah made the introductions.

"Sorscha worked at the Nursery too", Noah explained. They chatted for awhile before Sorscha moved on to another room in search of others she hadn't greeted yet.

Noah was telling his grandfather about some client, and Ollie let his mind wander. He watched through the window as the little children played. He excused himself and decided to head outside for a walk around the grounds.

He ran into Reed in the garden as he had kind of fallen into a daydream. "Oh hello, sir," he said slightly startled. " I was just admiring your garden."

"Hiya, Oliver," Reed said. His curly hair was slightly damp as he had been watering and tending the garden for a bit now.

"I noticed you grow black roses. I guess Noah gets that from you. He just loves them", he said.

Reed smiled brightly. He explained to Ollie that this wasn't his garden and he hadn't planted the flowers. "This is my parents' house. My mum planted these for my mummy the day I was born nearly forty-seven years ago." Reed said. "You met Mummy earlier. Noah's Gran Char. Mum is called Amelia, but most of this lot have always called her Mia."

Charlotte who had wandered into the garden joined them. "Mia, worked at the nursery too", she said.

Ollie couldn't help but smile. He had a feeling he was going to hear that a lot today. He and Charlotte sat on a bench in the garden and amongst all the beautiful scents and scenery she said, "the first half of 2024 was pivotal for all of us." She went on to tell him about Roger and how he had orchestrated the prom night events to separate and control his children. He had used Mia who was only a child herself at the time to achieve it all. She told him how the first few months with Reece as manager and Mia as deputy manager was a jumble of drama and chaos.

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