Marjorie's Plan

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It was a Monday morning, and she was sat in her office preparing paperwork for the week. They had long since moved most of their reporting online, but there were still certain things they tracked on paper.

"Sorscha, you don't have classes this afternoon, do you?" She shook her head no in response. "You okay to take over after lunch, then? I would like to go up and see Carly. Was thinking of inviting Char as well."

"That's fine Marjorie. I have loads to do here. Autie wants the monthly financial reports by end of day." Marjorie smiled at the use of the nickname. Not many of the adults used that nickname, but it is what the children called her, so Sorscha did as well. Mia also tended to use it, but Marjorie believed that was for other reasons.

She stared at the younger girl for a bit. She really wasn't sure what she was going to do without her. Sure, she would still be around, but not in the office everyday. And not taking care of the dreaded financial reports. She was truly glad that Mia had found a way to retain her.

At noon Marjorie gathered her things and headed to the sister nursery to pick up Char. A girl's afternoon was just what she needed. She couldn't identify a part of her body that didn't hurt.

From there they picked up Carly. "So, I have booked us a little spa day. I really could use the pampering right now." Charlotte chimed right in and regaled them with stories of her three pregnancies. She was laying it on thick, and Marjorie was quite proud of her.

"When we had Lynn, we lived in an attached flat. When she cried the neighbors would pound on the walls. When she was asleep, they would play loud music and wake her. Sheesh, I am glad those days are over."

Marjorie looked in the rearview mirror. Carly's face was screwed up in disgust. This might just work. "I bet you're glad you didn't have to deal with that after the boys. Could you imagine? Three screaming babies and the daft cow next door just pounding on the wall all day. What a nightmare."

"We only had one bedroom in that flat. Her crib was in the little lounge. So, everything stopped when she slept. You couldn't clean or Hoover for fear she would wake. Television was out of the question. I can't tell you the number of books I read that year just trying to be quiet during her naps."

The spa was luxurious. They had manicures, pedicures, and a full body massage. To say that they were relaxed was an understatement. Marjorie had reservations for them at a quaint little restaurant. It was low lit and played into their relaxed moods.

"Charlotte, was it really as bad as you said? Living in the attached flat after Lynn was born?"

"Worse actually."

The young girl frowned but she didn't say anything more. Marjorie and Char dropped her back at the flat and headed home.

"Charlotte, my love, you did so well. Do you think she bought it?"

"I really think she did."

"Didn't you inherit the house in town when your gran passed?"

"Yes, I was still at school. Jack and I moved in the week before we got married, but Carly doesn't know that."

Marjorie let out a bellow. Char didn't lie often, but when she did, she really spun a tale.

Later that evening as Reece settled into bed, he pulled Marjorie into him. As they lay there, he asked how they enjoyed their spa day. "It was lovely, darling. I don't think I have ever felt so relaxed this far into a pregnancy." He smiled and placed his hand on the bump.

As he talked to their child, his phone began to buzz across the bedside table. He looked at Marjorie for a moment questioningly. She just shrugged and tucked herself back into his chest.


"Hello, Reece, this is Eric."

"Is she okay? Is everything alright?" He was ready to move heaven and earth if something was wrong with Carly.

"Sorry, everything is fine. I just wondered if the offer to move to the house still stood?"

"Yes, of course. We could move you in next weekend, if you wanted."

Marjorie couldn't help but let a broad smile cross her face.

The plan had worked.

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