Moments to Memories

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Mia's mind was still whirling. She was really having a hard time wrapping her brain around the idea of three babies. She knew they would love them and she had no doubt that Char would do wonderfully, but now more then ever she was doubting herself. She had been so damn foolish.

When she and Charlotte were feeling nervous that night, she was the one who decided to go get the tequila. Damn it, Mia! She thought to herself. You really stuffed this up. She had poured them each a shot for courage, and the next morning they both woke up with almost no memory of the night before. They did however have an empty bottle of tequila. It was only later when neither had started their cycle that they realized what they must have done.

They still hadn't told anyone. Not even the girls. She thought at the very least that should be done when the girls returned. Charlotte wasn't really showing yet, but she had definitely noticed changes in her body.

Charlotte was talking to her but she really hadn't been listening and now she would have to admit that she hadn't heard. "I am sorry. Sweetheart, I didn't hear what you said. I kind of got lost in my own thoughts."

"I was just saying that maybe we should tell the girls when they come home," Charlotte replied.

"Yeah, I was thinking the same. Do you think we should get them a gift? I am not sure how we should approach it, and I just want to get it right. What if they hate it? We should have talked to them before we made any plans. Why did I get that damn tequila?" Mia's thoughts were all just spilling out now. Char was concerned that she was going to spiral.

"Mia, we are going to be fine. The girls are going to be fine. The babies are going to be fine. It won't be all that different then if we were expecting triplets. We will just both have to deal with hormonal partners, and we will both need time to heal after. We will be okay. I promise." Char reassured her even with her own mind swirling in self-doubt.

Mia went to the boot and pulled out all the supplies that she had packed. She had made a plan for their day and she was determined to stick to it. She pulled Char's boots from the bag and handed them to her. "Put these on," she said as she changed to hers as well.

"Hiking boots, Mia, where are we going?"

Mia got the mischievous grin Char had gotten to know and love. She changed to the boots and sat back in the car and re-fastened her belt. They held hands as they traveled the country roads. They chatted about much lighter topics and laughed along the way. Mia couldn't believe their luck. She had gone from having no family to speak of to a family of seven sometime around the 3rd of August. She was still a little shocked, and definitely still worried. Three babies at once did seem a little daunting, but people did it. She was slowly  allowing herself to get excited. Mia pulled off the road where there was a little clearing. She got out and then went to the passenger side to open the door for Charlotte. "Come on, sweetheart, I have something I would love to show you."

They walked through the small canopy covered path. The trees that lined it were dense and didn't allow much light to enter. Char could see the light up ahead. Mia made a quip about light at the end of the tunnel, and they both laughed as they made their way to the clearing.

"Close your eyes," Mia said.

Charlotte looked concerned, but Mia reassured her that it would be okay. Mia led her to the middle of the clearing and then wrapped her arms around her from behind and rested her head on Char's shoulder. She could feel the start of a bump press into Char's back. A smile creeped across her face as she told Charlotte she could open her eyes now.

There was a beautiful waterfall just on the other side of the clearing.  It was surrounded by luscious greenery, and the sun shown through the mist.  Charlotte could see the prismatic effect as a rainbow of colors seemed to dance over the water. "This is beautiful, Mia," she said as warm tears streamed down her face.

Mia started laying out their blanket and picnic lunch. She had packed cheese, meats, fruit, a loaf of bread and some sparkling grape juice. She figured that was the closest either of them would be getting to champagne for awhile. They ate and talked about what it might be like in a year with five children. It was definitely going to be an adventure, but as she thought about it she realized they had never shied away from adventure before.

When they were done eating they cleared everything away. They held each other close and kissed each other softly as they enjoyed the quiet. The only sound was the splashing of the waterfall. "We're going to have three babies, Mia." She leaned into Mia and kissed her softly. Somehow Mia's mind was at ease and she allowed herself to let the excitement overtake her.

As the sun began to set, they decided it was best to head back to the car. They carefully navigated the pathway. Back at the car Mia packed everything away, and Char offered to drive. To her surprise, Mia happily agreed. As Charlotte drove she noticed Mia had gone quiet. When she looked over she saw her beautiful wife had fallen asleep. She place her hand on Mia's stomach and spoke to the babies. "Hi, little ones, this is your mummy. You sure do make your mum sleepy."

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