Back to the Ball

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TW insinuation of physical, mental and sexual abuse.


"That dinner party was the predecessor to these weekends. After that first one, one of us would hold a dinner party once a month. Life got in the way. We still saw each other in between, but not as often as we did prior to having children who were in school and clubs. Then we all started having grandchildren. Families can be all consuming, but we were important enough to each other to make the effort. Eventually the monthly dinners became biannual weekends. Of course, with all the older group retired we make more time for each other apart from the rest of the family. Coffee or wine together here and there. These people are my nearest and dearest friends."

Ollie could see the years of history in her tears. She loved them all and he could tell she was loved by them as well. He had so many questions burning in his brain.

"Marjorie, what happened with Siobhan after that night? I saw her earlier today, but what is her story?"

Just then Vivian came around the corner. "I can answer that. We must go back to the ball..."

Knight Family Halloween Ball 2024

Siobhan took Vivian's hand and ran from the ball as quickly as her feet would carry her. Once they reached Vivian's car, she opened the door and let Siobhan in before getting into the driver's position and heading to her's. They didn't speak the whole way there. Siobhan sobbed so hard she had to be led into the house. Vivian would have gladly carried her had she not thought it would upset the poor woman. She sat her on the sofa and held her close. Siobhan sobbed for hours without a word. Vivian didn't really have a grasp on what the tears meant. She only knew that Siobhan had just thrown her relationship in the bin and burned it to the ground to save her.

Siobhan was crying for every time she was left unable to after his abuse. She cried for joy and for sorrow. She left the remnants of her relationship with Roger in the tear stains on her costume. When she finally spoke, it was in apology. She had no control over Roger and had no idea he would do something so publicly. She was also conditioned to apologize. To cow down to him and his every whim.

Vivian tried to console her, but it was futile. These were things she needed out of her head and off of her heart. The abuse she relayed that first night absolutely devastated Vivian. She told her everything from day one until just hours before the ball when he forced himself on her because she wouldn't change to a more "suitable" costume. There was never any remorse. He always felt justified. It made Vivian sick.

Vivian made up the spare room for her and told her she could stay as long as she needed. She stayed three days, but she and Vivian spoke on the phone every night until Siobhan fell asleep. She found a comfort in Vivian she had never known.

Vivian had been waiting outside the solicitor's office when they found out about the business dealings that were involved in Roger's estate. Vivian was with her when the siblings "gave" her the boutique. Vivian was there when Siobhan came home from her first therapy session in shambles. Vivian was there for every major and minor event of that year. They had become best friends.

Vivian tried not to let her mind wander. She tried not to let her heart fall. She shoved down the feelings of fluttering and heat that happened anytime Siobhan touched her. She tried so hard the first year to deny herself what she wanted most in the world. She lost her battle. She had fallen in love with Siobhan. A love that in her mind could never, would never be reciprocated.

They had spent an entire year being inseparable, so when Reece invited her to the dinner party, she knew she wanted Vivian to go with her. They all had children now, so Viv wouldn't even need to look for a sitter. Vivian was more nervous about it. Many of them worked with her son, and beyond that she knew there were things that needed to be resolved between this group and Siobhan. In the end they went and although Siobhan spent most of the night painstakingly making amends, they had had an enjoyable time.

They both had drank many glasses of wine, so they opted to take a taxi back to Viv's. Vivian carried Jamey up to his room before returning to the lounge with Siobhan. She had opened a bottle and was sipping on another glass of wine. She wasn't drunk, but she was definitely fuzzy. She offered a glass to Viv who declined. They tucked into another night long conversation while Siobhan unpacked all of the emotions of the night.

"Viv, I am so happy for your friendship. I have never had that, you know? Someone I could talk to. Someone who I could trust even with my ugliest truths." Siobhan's gaze drifted from Viv's eyes and landed on her lips. She leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips, but the kisses became hungry, and Siobhan moved to straddle Vivian. She had a burning desire to get closer. To disappear inside her.

No, no, no!

She clapped her hands across her mouth, grabbed her heals, and ran out the door. Siobhan could feel the hot tears burning down her cheeks. How could she do that? An entire year in therapy. Six months facing her truths and dismantling her religious ideologies. Time spent questioning and answering the biggest questions of her life. Dealing with her internalized homophobia and feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness. All the late-night talks and the near slip ups, and this is how she was going to let it go down? No!

She turned and ran right back in the house. "Viv, I need you to listen to me and don't talk, okay. I have spent the last year working on myself and shared every bit of that with you. Except one. The way I grew up, it messed with my head, Viv. I couldn't love myself. I couldn't accept myself, and I took that out on others. People who didn't deserve it. Maddison, Sorscha, Steven, and anyone else who dared cross my path. Hating myself made me hate them even more. I couldn't fathom how they dared to have the happiness I was denied. I denied myself. You came into my life when I was more broken than ever. I needed you to be my friend. And you were. You were the best friend anyone could ask for, but as I started to heal, I also started to feel. Feel things for you. But I couldn't lose are friendship, so I fought it. Every time we were together, I shoved those feelings down. I can't do that anymore Viv. I have fallen in love with you. I am in love with you. I love you, Vivian."

"I love you too, Siobhan!"

A/N: Although Shibby and Viv were a part of this story already. My plans from the conception was that they would only ever have a platonic friendship. I felt that there were too many issues that were problematic for there to be more to it.

JMC90X showed me the error of my ways with her Shivian centric two part tale. Her story convinced me that they could find the love they both needed in each other's arms.

Thank you all for continuing to read and your continued support of my little/not so little tale.
Stay tuned for all your favorite couples now including Shivian.

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