A New Beginning

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Autumn was nervous as she pulled into the drive. She had been at the most, cordial with Mia since her return. Most of their interactions had been hostile or at the very least led to the two of them slinging snide comments in the other's direction. She was a little relieved when she saw Reece and Marjorie pulling in as well. She and Winter got out and greeted them before they rang the bell at the front door.

Lynn answered the door with a bright smile. "Mum and Mummy are in the kitchen," she said pointing down the hallway. They came through the kitchen door to find Char and Mia sitting at the table sipping coffee. Autumn noticed that Mia's eyes were red and puffy, and her heart ached knowing that Mia was suffering too. Charlotte let them know that the kettle was on and offered tea or coffee. She busied herself getting everyone what they wanted and sat a plate of pastries in the center. All the while never really taking her eyes off of Mia.

Charlotte had never seen Mia so fragile. It worried her. She was concerned that her mental health had taken one blow too many. She had spent her entire adult life looking for her father. It wasn't just a mission. It was an obsession. Even after she came home she spent hours on the phone or the computer doing research on his whereabouts.

Reece's chest felt heavy and his tongue felt thick but he knew, having been the one to pour over the documents, that he should start. No matter what had happened in the past he didn't want to hurt Aut or Mia anymore then they were already feeling.

R -  so, the documents are a mix of personal correspondence, receipts, and legal documents. It appears that after Roger murdered our parents he employed a Robert Smyth to ... ahem ... dispose of their bodies.

M – I don't understand. When I was searching for them. There were clues to follow. People who had information. Places they had been spotted. Homes they had rented.

R – All orchestrated and paid for by Roger. He, no doubt, covered every angle to keep you searching. There were people paid for services and property rentals in the documents. When you are feeling up to it we can compare them with tips you have had in the past. I am sorry, Mia but it looks like what Siobhan told us last night is well backed up by these documents.

A – Is there anything in those documents that proves that Max Roberts was my real father?

R – Aside from the letter, there are two separate DNA test one comparing you to Roger and one to Max. Max was definitely your biological father by those results, but we could compare your DNA to Mia if you both want, obviously.

Mia's breath caught when Autumn said no she believed that they were sisters. They hadn't gotten on well since she returned, but Autumn had agreed to stand up for her at her wedding. Did she dare to hope that they could mend things between them. Could they really be sisters?

M – Autumn I ... I am so sorry. I have no excuse for my behavior. I realize now that Roger knew that my desperation to find my father was an easy avenue not only to manipulate and control you and Reece, but me as well. As long as I did what he said, the two of you would hate me. He wanted that more than anything. I lost the two of you the minute I let him bait me into doing his bidding. I am such an idiot.

A - You're not. You were a child and he groomed you to be his puppet. He is a monster who punished three children for things they had nothing to do with. I can't say I am ready to be your sister today, but Mia I want to try.

Mia felt the hot tears streaming down her face. "I want to try too," she choked out.

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