Stay with Me

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She didn't want to be the reason he didn't work on his mental health, and she didn't want his moods to impact Liliana or worse yet change the relationship he had with her. But she really didn't want him to go either.

"Wint are you sure being alone is going to help you? What if it makes it worse?" She knew that being alone could be helpful in some situations, but the two of them had drawn strength from each other over the years. What if he didn't have that and he faltered? She had a million scenarios swirling in her head.

She had never been one to ask for help let alone beg, but everything in her wanted to beg him not to go. For himself. For Liliana. For her. She knew he wouldn't be going for good, but after nearly three years together she couldn't see herself without him. Not even temporarily.

She had time to try to subtly sway him. She just didn't know if she should. He was trying to find a non-hotel option as he was concerned that a hotel room may have a negative impact on his mood. He could talk to Autumn about the properties the siblings inherited but he had already seen the pain in her eyes when he told her he was moving out. He couldn't bare it again.

He scrolled through his phone to Reece's name. He wasn't particularly close to his brother-in-law, but close enough for this call. "Reece, are their any properties that you lot inherited close to here and vacant?"

He listened to Reece go on about the property, but his mind wandered. His mother had always pushed his buttons. Every milestone of his life was the butt of the joke for her. He really didn't see it before. Now he worried that he would do the same damage to Liliana.

"Winter? Are you still there?"

"Yes, my apologies."

"Winter, are you alright? Why are you asking about vacant properties?"

"I have to go, Reece, can I call you back later about this?"

Reece agreed, but now he was even more concerned. He knew his sister and Winter were very private, but if there was something wrong between them, he would want to know. He would want to help if he could.

Winter headed off to the kitchen. They would need lunch soon. His thoughts overtook him again. His mother was right. He couldn't do anything right. "I will fail Autumn and mess Liliana up just like my father"

He hadn't realized he said it aloud until he heard her speak.

"Winter, why would you ever say something like that? From everything I have heard of you father you are nothing like him. You are an amazing, attentive husband. You have never left me wanting for anything. As a father you are wonderful. She has never felt anything but love from you."

He looked down at the stove top. He couldn't face her. He wanted to tell her how much he loved her and Lili. He wanted her to ask him to stay. But he also wanted her to understand why he had to go. She couldn't understand any of it. She sighed and went to the lounge to wait for Mia to bring Lili home.

After Mia dropped Lili in, Autumn took her up to the nursery and stayed there with her the rest of the evening. He brought her food, but she refused to eat. She sat with her daughter and drank her wine.

Once Lili was down for the night she finally ventured into their room. He was packing. She felt a flutter in her chest, but her head was fuzzy from all the wine. She moved toward him. She missed him already. She wasn't one to ask for help and certainly not to beg.

"Stay with me!"

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