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Autumn set up the meeting with Siobhan for Tuesday morning. She had her solicitor draw up the contracts that would transfer her share of the nursery for full ownership the boutique. The solicitor was a bit confused as financially the siblings would lose money in this deal but knew better than to question Autumn. No one in his office ever questioned Autumn. She wasn't bringing the solicitor to the meeting, but she recommended that Siobhan bring one.

That morning, she woke to the warmth and comfort of Winter still wrapped around her. She smiled as she realized that both his hands rested on her bump. How had she ever lived without the adoration this man lavished on her? She shook the thought from her head and twisted her body to kiss him. He awoke with a smile. She didn't really know how he did that. He always woke with a smile on his face. It was hard for him not to, but she couldn't fathom that. She still after all this time couldn't see herself the way he saw her. To him she was an absolute goddess, and she had chosen him. He couldn't help but smile about that. She reminded him about the meeting and left the room to get her shower. He smiled again not capable of holding it back as he watched her naked body pad off to the shower.

Autumn had arrived at the office that was once her father's a half hour before the meeting time. She  wandered around the room and wondered if they should sell the office building and purchase a new one. She couldn't stomach being where he had once been. She tried to calm herself, but she felt the tightness in her chest. It's just a building Autumn. You can do this. All the emotions she had shoved down all these years were threatening to come up. She didn't have time for this today. She walked outside and breathed the fresh air. She forced long deep breaths until she felt herself start to calm down.

Siobhan arrived with a solicitor and Vivian. Autumn got right down to business. She explained the contracts and asked if there were any questions. Siobhan looked her up and down before speaking. "Why are you doing this? I don't really understand how this benefits you at all. My share of the nursery was so minimal I never could have threatened any decision you lot made. Why give up a business that would be far more lucrative?"

Autumn paused for a moment. "My siblings and myself are not concerned with how this deal will benefit us. We are however trying to mitigate some of the damage Roger has done. You have been affected by that and we are interested in making your life and ours a little bit more peaceful. Siobhan even with your stipend from your shares you would not be able to live the way you have become accustomed. We recognized that and felt it was only right to correct it. The boutique makes a substantial profit every year. Your life was really no different than ours. We were all under his thumb and our fates hung in the balance. Take the deal Siobhan. You have earned it."

Siobhan nodded and signed the papers. She was actually moved by the gesture, but she didn't know how to express that. Least of all to Autumn. Not yet anyway. She had spent long nights talking to Vivian and at her urging had started to see a therapist. She knew she had a long way to go, but she had hope and now the means to support herself without anyone ever looking over her shoulder again.

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