Unexpected Guest

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Mia still had a key from their last holiday, so she just let herself in and headed straight for the kitchen. Marjorie wouldn't be home for another half hour or longer if there were a late parent, so she had plenty of time for prep. She placed her phone on the counter with music playing and set up a little station for herself to work. She washed and cut vegetables for a salad and started the sauce. She figured if she was gonna gain any favor tonight, her and Reece's homemade pizza was the way to go.

Luckily, this evening was the evening Autie and Winter had already planned to have the children, so it would just be her, Marjorie, and Emery. One pizza and the salad would be plenty for them, and it would probably feed Reece and Char when they returned from the bar. She had texted Char letting her know her plans and that they could go home together from there.

The only person she didn't tell was Marjorie. She figured she would probably just shoo her away, so she wasn't going to give her the chance. Her body had failed her and caused this whole debacle for Reece, so she figured this was the least she could do. Besides, the idea of Marjorie being a little miffed when she got home and found her in the kitchen had its appeal.

Marjorie turned the key and opened the door. The music and the smell of food being cooked took her a little aback, but maybe Char had cancelled on him for some reason. "Ree ... Mia what the hell are you doing in my kitchen?"

"Awe Marjorie that's cute. We both know this is Reece's kitchen. You would burn water."

Marjorie rolled her eyes. "How did you even get in? "

"Um, the key you gave us when you went on your last holiday."

Marjorie thought Reece had gotten that back. If he wasn't already a wreck, she might have a few choice words for him when he got home tonight. "So, you still have the key, but that still doesn't explain why you are stood here in my kitchen making ... pizza? Is that you and Reece's recipe?" She didn't like that she was in her home, but that pizza was delicious. And she was hungry.

"Yup." Mia knew that even if she was angry that she was here unannounced she wouldn't say no to the pizza. "He stole my wife for the evening, and Autie has our children, so I came here to steal his wife for the night."

Marjorie pinched the bridge of her nose. She wasn't sure she could deal with a whole evening with Mia, but here they were.

"I made a whole pitcher of the mocktail that you loved so much at the cook off."

Marjorie turned to go settle Emery in the lounge with Paw Patrol, but she stopped dead in her tracks at the statement. She had never known Mia to be that observant. Well except with Char.

She got Emery settled and went to change before returning to the kitchen. She sat across the island from her like she had many times with Reece. It was the first time she noticed how much Mia mimicked him in the kitchen. A twinge of jealousy hit her. She would never share the kitchen with him and that way. While she was fairly sure she could boil water without burning it, she had burnt pretty much everything else she had ever tried to cook.

"So, what is the plan here, Mia? I mean it isn't exactly like you to volunteer to spend an evening with me. Did Char put you up to this?"

Mia feigned being wounded in the chest and stumbled backwards. "I am hurt, Marjie. Why would you say that?" Marjorie raised her eyebrow as she looked at the redhead with a smirk. "Okay, so it isn't normal, but it was my idea. I kind of feel like this whole thing is my fault." She stopped there. Marjorie was unsure if she was unable or unwilling to say more, but she wasn't going to push. She didn't have the energy for that.

Mia pulled the pizza from the oven and set the table. "Juice for Emery, Mocktail for Marjorie, and Gin and tonic for me," she said to herself as she finished off the first glass before refilling it. She headed to the lounge to get Emery while Marjorie was in the bathroom.

"Come on little man. Mama is gonna meet us at the table. Are you hungry? Aunt Mia is gonna cut up your pizza."  She got him into the highchair and cut up his pizza into small pieces and handed it to him along with his juice.

Marjorie returned to the table with a smile on her face that betrayed her. She really couldn't resist this pizza. "Okay, Mia, you might have had me with the pizza. Thanks for getting him all set up." She smiled at her son. "Is that good, little man?"

"You know it is amazing how much he looks like you with Reece's blond hair. Poor kid lucked out. Could you imagine if he looked like Reece?" Marjorie glared at her. "What?"

"Mia, do you ever take a break? You know full well he is a handsome man." Mia rolled her eyes.

With that they were both startled by the door opening and Char and Reece entering the kitchen laughing until they almost fell down. Marjorie looked at Mia and Mia at Marjorie and the laughter ensued. As the four begin to settle, Emery giggled and the whole things started again.

"Who's handsome?" Reece manages to slur out. Marjorie realizes just how much he must have drunk to be this intoxicated and the moment of laughter passes bringing on a deeper emotion.

"You, my love, you are handsome. Come sit. Eat." She was talking to him in a tender tone trying to get him to eat and drink water. Her level of concern was heightened, and Char picked up on it right away.

"He looks like he is going to pass out," she said pointing to Emery. "I am going to take him up for you." She smiled at Marjorie almost sympathetically who just nodded and mouthed thank you. Char turns to Mia and uses her head to indicate for her to follow. She can't decide if Mia is inebriated enough to miss the cue or if it was Mia's newfound desire to be in everyone's business, but she wasn't going to tolerate it either way. "Mia come with me!"

Marjorie is almost shocked at how fast the redhead got up and followed her. She knew Char was only that brazen because she was drunk, but it had been a sight to see. "Char, you guys can stay in one of the guest rooms. Sorry I didn't have one set up, but the linens are in the hall closet."

Char smiled, "don't worry about it, Marjorie, we can do it"

Marjorie returned her attention to Reece. "Come on, darling, drink some water." His mood had moved from solemn to handsy. He rubbed all up and down her thigh and torso.

"Not tonight, sailor!"

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