The Move

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That whole week Marjorie couldn't stop boasting about how her plan had worked. Char also spent the week boasting about how Carly never picked up on her lie. Reece was just happy they had agreed. He didn't really care how they got there.

He spent the week busy chatting back and forth with Carly about furniture. He wanted to get it all delivered before Eric was there to fuss about it. She wanted to do something special for Eric, but wasn't really sure what.

"Carly, why don't we get some nice furniture and set up an office for him in the one bedroom? He would have a quiet space to study and once he is working it will be a good place to work without the baby wailing in the background." He stammered over the word baby. He was still struggling to believe she was going to be a mom. In so many ways she was still just so young.

He knew he didn't have to worry about helping her with decorations. Marjorie and Char would delight in that task. The woman couldn't cook to save her life, but she could set up a room and make it seem like it was always meant to look that way. That was as long as Char kept her away from the doilies.

Saturday came quicker than he had expected, but all the furniture had arrived and was sat in place. They just had to move everything from the flat to the house.

Unfortunately, Autumn had to cancel at the last minute and sent Winter in her stead. Although he was willing, Reece couldn't help but wonder if he was really able. Even after all these years he had never really seen Winter take to physical work, but he had surprised them and jumped right in. He wasn't overwhelmingly strong, but he was determined. It didn't take the group long to realize that Winter's real goal was to get it done and get back home to Aut. It was made much easier by how he kept muttering to himself about his goddess. It was good to see things getting back to normal with them.

Autumn had been vague with him about why she couldn't help, but he didn't pry. The siblings seldom did with each other. That was probably why she had called him rather than Mia. In the mood she had been in lately, she would have done more than pry. She would have pressed every button to get their little sister to spill.

Reece popped into the house to check on the Carly, Marjorie, and Char. The three had all the babies with them. Thank goodness for Lynn and Lucy. They had been such good helpers with all the toddlers.

He was surprised at how much they had gotten set up already. "Gorgeous, do you think you should be lifting all this stuff?" He was always in protective mode, but if he was honest, he worried even more after what happened with Mia. He couldn't shake the feeling of the what if. What if it had gone the other way? What if it happened to them? What if Marjorie or the baby or both didn't make it? His mind had gone dark these last few weeks and he couldn't seem to shake it off.

"My love, I am fine. Char has been lifting the heavier stuff and Lynn has been helping as well." He wasn't really reassured but didn't want to push her further. She noticed the beads of sweat on his forehead. He didn't often break a sweat which ordinarily she found annoying, but today it worried her that he had. She shook it off and got him a glass of cold water. "Here, my love, try to cool down." He wasn't feeling especially overheated, but he took the water, kissed her and went back to work.

It wasn't long and everything was moved in and already in its place. Winter came in and got Lili and left for home so quickly that it left Marjorie and Char puzzled. "I tell you, Marjorie, between Mia's recent behavior and the odd behavior coming from Reece and Winter I feel like my head is spinning."

Marjorie agreed, but she didn't know any better than Char what was going on.

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