Marjorie and Reece

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The day after the proposal: Marjorie and Reece

Marjorie sat on the toilet with the shower running, and she chuckled to herself. Char had suggested doing this so Reece wouldn't know what she was doing in the bathroom. Char and Mia were engaged, Autumn and Winter got married, and Sorscha and Clodagh just had little Quinn. Their lives were changing. Their family expanding. She was pulled from her thoughts when the timer she had set went off.

She stared at the little plastic stick. She wasn't ready to look at it, but she knew waiting wasn't going to change anything. She picked it up and looked at the little test window.

She jumped in the shower, washed her body and left her hair for another time. She turned the tap off, wrapped herself in a towel and headed back to the bedroom. Her mind was reeling so she was just allowing her body to go on autopilot.

Reece was still asleep. His blond hair hanging across one eye and disheveled. She had just moved in, and now this. She didn't believe he would be upset, but this certainly hadn't been part of their plan. At least it hadn't been part of hers. She knew that women were doing it, but she had thought maybe her/their window of opportunity had passed. She chuckled at herself. She had convinced herself that her symptoms were early signs of menopause. She had bought the test on a whim, but she was almost too sure that she was fooling herself.

Reece woke and saw her deep in thought. "What are you thinking?" He said and startled her. Her eyes went wide and she said they needed to talk.

He knew this was coming. Mia and Charlotte got engaged. Winter and Aut got married. She wanted a ring. "What is it, love?" He asked.

She couldn't speak. She had a lump in her throat. She fiddled with the test for a few moments and then just handed it to him. It was the easiest way. She felt the tears stream down her face as she sat on the end of the bed waiting for his reaction.

He was stunned at first but then realized she was crying. He positioned himself right in front of her so they could see each other's face. "Marjorie, are these happy tears or sad tears? I am sorry, but I just want to understand."

"Anxiety tears?" she replied making herself laugh a little. "I mean I just moved in. I just wasn't expecting..." She trailed off not really knowing how to finish. "To be expecting?" He quipped. They both chuckled. He drew her into a hug. She fit so perfectly in his arms, and couldn't imagine being with anyone else. When they released each other, she went back to the bathroom to finish getting ready.

He grabbed his own clothes and changed quickly. He pulled something from his night stand and shoved it in his pocket. He ran the comb haphazardly through his hair as he heard her blow dryer turn off.

She opened the door to find him down on one knee. The velvet box in his hand held a beautiful emerald cut, blue diamond set in a white gold band. Her mind was reeling and a little fuzzy. Was he doing this because of the pregnancy? No, he had the ring. He had the ring? How long has he had this ring? Okay, Marjorie focus.

Marjorie Van Gould, mother of my child, I have loved some part of you since before I even met you. From the moment I met you, you had my whole heart even when I couldn't say it. I can't imagine a single day or even a single breath without you. You and our child will now and forever be loved and cherished by me. Will you, please, do me the greatest honor and be my wife?"

"Yes! Yes Reece I will be your wife." She was crying so hard she was barely able to get the words out. The ring was absolutely gorgeous. He slipped it on her finger and they softly kissed as he placed his hand on her lower stomach, "I am going to be a daddy," he said through his own tears. "Yes, and I am going to be a mummy," she replied.

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