Baby Serpent

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Viv rolled over and grabbed her phone and switched off the alarm. "Bon?" The blond snuggled in closer trying to catch a few more seconds of sleep.

"No. Not yet. Just a few more minutes, beautiful."

"Come on, Bon, we have to be at the hospital in an hour." She kissed her on the forehead and then down the side of her face. "Come on, Bon Bon, I'll meet you in the shower."

Siobhan's eyes shot open. She set up and followed after the brunette almost at once. She didn't know if it was the pregnancy hormones or just her incredible wife, but as of late their morning shower had begun to resemble the many showers of their early relationship.

Just as the brunette turned to enter the en suite, Siobhan caught up to her and used her small frame to press her wife against the wall. Standing on her tiptoes she placed a soft kiss on the brunette's lips. With a wink she turned. "Well come on then."

Viv groaned. They had always teased each other. It was a huge part of their relationship. Lately, Siobhan had taken it to a whole new level, and it drove her wild.

She slid in behind the blond in the shower and wrapped her arms around her slim figure. Massaging her breast with one hand she pulled her wife's back into her and let her other hand wander between the blond's legs eliciting a small moan.

"Touch me, Viv, I need you."

She was not one to deny her beautiful wife. She slipped her fingers between the folds and made the softest contact. The blond attempted to move her hips to get more, but Vivian had her body pinned to her own leaving her little room to move.

She began to make soft circles around her clit making the beautiful blond squirm for more. "Sorry, Bon, I am in control. Now behave." As she alternated the pressure and pace, Siobhan let out a guttural moan bringing Viv to her breaking point. She turned the blond to face her and pressed her against the wall before hoisting her up around her waist and slipping three fingers easily in while pressing into a bruising kiss. "Oh, yes!"

She kept a steady rhythm slipping her fingers in and curling them slightly forward before slipping them back again. She pumped in and out using her thumb to rub the blond's clit making her moans turn to screams. "Oh, Vivian! I am going to cum."

The brunette leaned in and whispered in the blond's ear, "Cum for me, Bon." It was enough to push her over the edge as Viv continued to thrust easing her through the orgasm before returning her feet to the floor.

They stood for a long moment entangled in each other before Viv washed first Siobhan and then herself. "I love you, come along when you are ready." The brunette stepped out of the shower and disappeared into the bedroom.

They pulled into the hospital car park mere minutes before they were due to be inside for their appointment. Their "shower" had cost them a fair bit of time this morning.

Once the were settled into the exam room, Siobhan looked a t Viv. "Can you believe this is our life?" The brunette smile at her.

"I always believed it. It was you I had to convince," she said with a chuckle. They could laugh now but they both knew it was true. Siobhan had been convinced that she would either die at the hands of Roger or under his thumb. Vivian shook the thought from her mind. She wasn't going to allow Roger to steal joy on this day.

After the scan the doctor came in and did her exam. They had chosen a female doctor because Siobhan couldn't stomach the idea of a man touching her again after Roger.

"Well, everything looks good. I would like to see you a little more frequently as you are nearly forty. We may run a few more panels of tests along the way as well, but otherwise your body and baby appear to be doing quite well. We should be meeting baby Serpent around the fourth of September.

Relief and joy washed over them as they left the clinic. Come September they would be a family of four.

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