Grandma Mia

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"Grandma Mia?"

"In the flesh," she smiled at him. She looked him up and down as if evaluating him. It made him slightly uncomfortable, but gauging by what he had been told about her that was probably the point.

"I've heard so much about you. All good of course." She chuckled; she knew that wasn't true. Charlotte had already filled her in on parts of the day. She knew he had spent at least some part of the day with Marjorie. There was no way that was all good.

"Oliver, it is nice to meet you, but I have known Marjie far too long to believe she had all nice things to say about me." He blushed. Reece smirked from the other side of the bar. "Give the boy a break, Mia, he was passed around yesterday like nursery gossip. They both laughed.

"Has he met Carly, yet? That has always been the avenue to the juiciest gossip. To this day I still don't understand why so many in this lot love to confide in her." Reece nodded. They had met briefly the day before, but nothing more than a few pleasantries passed between them.

"You know Mia, Marjorie obviously accepted you a long time ago. She did agree to name our firstborn after you. Emery would have been called Damian otherwise."

"Even that name has a little Mia in it" she quipped. Reece shot her a look. Ollie could easily tell how much love was behind their banter and he let a smile cross his face. Mia noticed right away and said, "Reece, I think the kid is on to us!" The trio fell into laughter.

As Ollie regained his composure, he saw Siobhan come through the door. She made her way to them and pulled Mia into a hug. "Where were you yesterday?" Mia's smile broadened. "I had to fetch Aki and Carson. You know them. Well into their forties, but still always on an adventure." Her words and her face were not matched. Her word seemed to convey disappointment, but her face said it all. She was proud of the adventures they took. They troubled Charlotte, but Mia was almost amazed by their thirst for adventure.

Vivian had left him at the honeymoon, but as Siobhan tucked into her breakfast, Reece, Mia, and Siobhan fell into the story of their homecoming...

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