Baby Knight

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It was nearly Christmas and Marjorie was feeling extra festive this year. Most days she found it hard to wipe the smile off her face. She was positively glowing. She was starting to show, and she and Reece had decided it was time to tell everyone. She was so excited for the dinner party they planned for tonight.

Getting everyone to agree was something of a miracle. Her thoughts wandered to Autumn and Mia. She couldn't imagine the pain Autumn still felt over the betrayal, but she hoped that one day they could heal that hurt together.

Mia had grown on her much to her chagrin. They still had snarky, biting moments, but after she saw Mia support Charlotte through Jack's death she had glimpsed the tender side of Mia usually reserved for Charlotte. She knew she and Mia had a lot in common if she was honest with herself. They were both fiercely protective of their loved ones, and just as equally devious at times. Beyond that, they both loved Char and Reece and wanted them to be happy.

Time was traveling at a snails pace at the nursery. She had already dealt with three parent complaints and it was only 9 AM. She had just tucked into her emails when Reece stopped by with her coffee. She knew that some women stopped drinking coffee when they were pregnant, but she just couldn't bring herself to break their little morning ritual. Besides she really needed the caffeine.

When Reece brought her coffee this morning he asked Autumn if they could speak privately with a wink in Marjorie's direction. "Aut, I have something to tell you," he said. He looked nervous and she wondered if their was something that had gone wrong with their petition to take over the nursery.

"Well what is it?

"Marjorie and I are expecting."

"Expecting what?"

"What I mean to say is that we are pregnant .. Uh .. rather she is pregnant."

A smile crossed Autumn's face. "Congratulations," she said. "I am going to be an aunt?"

"Yep...umhmm...yes, the dinner party tonight is to announce it to all the rest," he said.

She leaned in and gave him a hug. He was shocked. He couldn't remember the last time they hugged. And then he remembered her falling into his arms after her miscarriage and he felt a twinge of guilt.

She notice the look on his face, and faced the emotion head on. "You don't have to feel guilty. You are allowed to be happy about your child. Winter and I haven't told anyone, but we are trying again."

He was a little taken aback. He wasn't used to Autumn talking about emotions or emotional things. They both had started going to therapy after the miscarriage, but this was the first time he genuinely thought it might be working. "Aut, that is so great. So, our little guy might have a cousin to grow up with?"

"Guy? Boy? You're having a boy? Her typical deadpan did little to hide the excitement bubbling just beneath the surface.

Reece looked sheepish. He wasn't supposed to give that part away. They had just found out at their last ultrasound. "Yes, but don't tell Marjorie I let it slip."

She hugged him again before Agatha interrupted them saying she needed Autumn to sign some papers for a parent. Reece stood there in shock. "Two hugs in one day? Must be a record," he said to himself before returning to the office to tell Marjorie he was heading to the sister nursery.

Marjorie was just putting the finishing touches on the table when she heard the knock at the door. She welcomed Mia, Charlotte and Carly. Carly had been spending more time with them since Jack's passing. She was a comfort for their girls and Mia and Char were grateful for the time she was giving Lynn especially.

Sorscha, Clodagh, Autumn, and Winter arrived at the same time. Marjorie welcomed them and everyone began finding a place at the table. Reece helped Marjorie serve their friends and Charlotte asked if there was anything she could do to help. Marjorie shooed her away. "Relax, Char. We can do it," Marjorie said.

They were all chatting animatedly while they ate. Charlotte asked how Quinn was doing. Clodagh asked about the girls. Reece and Mia talked about the gym. Marjorie and Winter chatted about a poorly made remake of a beloved movie. God knows what Sorscha and Autumn were talking about.

Marjorie looked around the table feeling emotional. She loved all these people so much. She cried and said, "do you all know how much I adore this little family we have created for ourselves?"

Reece took this as his cue. "Well that brings us to the reason for this dinner party. Marjorie and I ..." He looked to her. She said, " we're having a baby!" He finished with, "a little boy in May."

While everyone was busy congratulating them, Reece started pouring champagne for everyone. It was not lost on anyone that Autumn was also refusing the champagne. Questioning glances crossed the table from every angle, but no one asked any questions.

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