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Wait, but I thought." The three looked at her strangely. I thought Courtney was your mum."

"What on God's green earth are you on about? Courtney is not his mother. I am."

Carly told them all about how she came to that conclusion and why she was so terrified to come tonight thinking she would have to face her again.

Agatha finally put two and two together and explained how she and Courtney had to attend the same training. A sensitivity training no less. She had just found out about the ew comment and was upset. Eric was her baby. The only one God had blessed her and Tom with. Back then Tom was often out of town for work, and she had basically raised him all on her own.

She had wanted to protect him and admittedly made some mistakes along the way. She had never intended to turn him into a pariah. The day of the training she was more upset at herself than Carly, but she guessed that Courtney twisted that for her own means.

Courtney was notorious for torturing the apprentices. It was something of a reputation, but Agatha hadn't known that when she confided her hurt in her. She dug her claws in so many of the apprentices that she was eventually let go and a formal investigation had to be done to clear up some of the mess she had made. What happened to her after that, Agatha never knew but she wasn't able to work in the field again.

The rest of the evening went off uneventful. Agatha watched as Eric walked Carly to her car. She knew he was grown and that he could protect himself, but she wondered if he would be okay in the arms of this woman. It was hard to let go, but she was trying.

Outside, Carly leaned up against her car while they said their goodbyes. It had been a good night. So much better than she suspected it would be. He leaned in and kissed her. "I can't believe you thought Courtney was my mom all these years. Did you really think I would have wanted her to treat you like that? Carly, after all the talks with Marjorie and Reece I was changing and the more I understood about respect and consent the more I realized how adorable you were. Inside and out. I started falling for you all those years ago. Until that night at the party, I just figured I stuffed it up and would never get the chance."

"You were falling for me then? I was so horrible to you."

"The way you looked at me that night. Carly, everything just resurfaced for me. All those feelings. All the insecurities. Everything came flooding back. When you said yes to the date, I knew I didn't want to mess it up again. You're it for me Carly. All these months since then has only solidified that in my mind. You're my person. My the one. I love you, Carly."

She had tears welling up in her eyes, but she felt ready to face the feeling she had been having too. "Eric, I can't say that I felt that back then." His faced dropped. In his mind he couldn't believe he has stuffed it up again. She reached out and lifted his face forcing him to look at her. "But I do now. You're my person too. I love you too, Eric."

She kissed him before he nuzzled into her neck overcome with emotions. His muscular frame holding on for dear life.

Maybe she would have a use for Char and Mia's house after all.

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