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She arrived at Reece and Marjorie's still dreamy eyed. Mr. Gorgeous still on her mind. As she walked in, she heard them in the lounge and a smile spread across her face when she realized Emery was still awake. She dashed into the lounge and scooped him up so fast he was a bit startled, but as soon as he realized it was her, he started to giggle.

Marjorie couldn't help herself. She pulled the girl into a big hug Emery and all. She had missed her. Tears flowing freely. The sleepiness that had enveloped them mere moments ago was all but gone. "Tell us all about your term, my love," Marjorie squealed.

Carly told them all about her time at Uni and of course Mr. Gorgeous. "Wait, so you mean to tell me your dating Eric?" Carly nodded and regaled Marjorie and Reece with all the incredible date night. The walks home. The kisses on the doorstep.

"He loves me, Marjorie, and I love him."

Reece wasn't really sure about this coupling but was overjoyed to see Carly this happy. He hoped Eric was aware that if he hurt her things would not end well for him. Carly had been on a few dates over the years, but no one seriously. He had to ward her off some of the more creepy ones when he first met her. He was glad that she felt confident to make healthy decisions about her relationships.

She had begun to see the red flags and steer clear of them. She stood up for herself with the creepy dads, and created boundaries with young men who had none. He couldn't be a prouder Papa. Their young friend was the closest thing they would ever have to a daughter. After seeing what Mia and Char had gone through the decision not to have more children was made easy for them. He couldn't even think about losing Marjorie. The mere thought would end him. She couldn't bear the thought of leaving him and Emery. So, they decided Emery was it for them. They both knew if they had known each other sooner, they would probably have had a gaggle of children. Marjorie was never a fan of being in the rooms, but with Emery she thrived. She would have been a good mother to one or ten.

Emery was starting to fall asleep, so Reece took him up and put him to bed. Before returning to the ladies, he watched Emery sleep. He had all of his energy and wonder. His blond hair. But when he slept, he was the perfect likeness to his mother. Reece just couldn't get enough of either of them. He pulled himself from his thoughts when he heard Marjorie and Carly come up. "We wondered where you got off to. He alright?"

"Yeah, I was just admiring how much like his mother he looks when he is sleeping," he said bending to kiss her. She kissed him back and beckoned him to come to bed. Carly was turning in too and was already padding down the hallway to her room.

Once in her room she texted Eric.

C – had a wonderful night. Thank you!

E – Me too, Car. How are Marjorie and Reece?

C – everyone here is good. Emery was still up so I got to play with him for a little while. They both took annual leave for tomorrow, so I will be hanging out here, but Marjorie said if you want to come by, she would be fine with that. Reece is a fantastic cook. You want to come round for dinner?

E – I would love that. I would come for burnt toast if it meant seeing you again so soon.

C – no, we don't want Marjorie to cook.

E- I'll see you then, baby. I am falling asleep. I love you, Carly.

C – I love you too, Eric! See you tomorrow.

Carly rolled over and snuggled into her comforter. She was home.

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