The Honeymoon

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After the Party

As all the guests left only Siobhan and Viv were left. Jamey had fallen asleep, and they were considering their options. "Just let him be. He was coming here in the morning anyway. Now you all can just get up and get yourselves on the road." Marjorie was probably right, but they still hated the idea of not saying goodbye to him in the morning.

Siobhan looked to Viv for guidance but could see she was torn as well. They had never really gone away with out him. They had gone on a few holidays together, but always the three of them. Finally, Viv nodded. She knew Marjorie was right there was really no reason to bring him home only to wake him early in the morning to bring him back.

They thanked their friends again and headed for the door. Reece followed them. "When you get back, we will have to plan our cook-off and see if this lot really can tell the difference." He and Viv were conspiring to prove them wrong. "Maybe we can get Winter to join as well." Now that would be a show. Both he and Viv had filled in on the occasion at the restaurant for him, and he was well aware of there skills. He watched as Siobhan and Viv drove off before closing the door and locking up.

Bon Bon and Viv

They woke up the next morning feeling a little guilty about having to leave Jamey without a proper goodbye, but they would call him a little later and see him in only a few days.

The idea to take a honeymoon had surprisingly come from Siobhan. She hadn't wanted a big or traditional wedding, but she wanted Viv to have some part of that. Mia had told her about the villa that she and Charlotte had visited and it sound quaint but beautiful. They actually wouldn't be that far from Mia and Char's countryside home, but once she saw the website and all the beautiful scenery she was sold.

Selling Viv on the idea had been a little more difficult than she had anticipated. She didn't want Siobhan spending the money for one, and then there was Jamey. It took some doing, but she eventually agreed. It helped quite a bit that they had two nursery managers volunteering to take him for the few days. Emery had grown fond of Jamey, but so had Reece, so the decision was definitely made easier. Clodagh and Sorscha would step in as well if Marjorie and Reece got pulled away, so Viv felt amply covered for any event.

The money issue still rubbed her the wrong way. Since the beginning she had always insisted they shared expenses equally, and it was a lot to take for her to let Siobhan foot the whole bill this time. Siobhan had insisted and wasn't going to take no for an answer in this case. She was more accustomed to the small blonde giving in when it came to money matters, but she wasn't going to back down this time.

Their travels were rather uneventful and as early as it was, they barely spoke on the way. Siobhan played music over the radio and Vivian was lost in thought. She had been at the solicitor's the day the siblings traded her shares for the boutique, but now she wished she had paid closer attention to the financial side of that conversation. She was beginning to doubt that Siobhan was truly letting her pay her fair share of things. She was trying desperately not to let that spoil the mood or their time together. The more she tried to get herself to let it go the more she stewed in the knowing.

"Siobhan what is our total mortgage each month? You have never actually shown me the paperwork."

Siobhan knew that the use of her name rather than the nickname she had lovingly bestowed on her was a bad sign. She smiled at her hoping she could forgo whatever this was about to become.

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