Jamey and the Space Room

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Reece had taken the long weekend off so that he could be with Emery and Jamey. Marjorie had to work today but would be home over the weekend. He didn't want her to stress out with the extra child in the house. He knew how wonderful she was with Emery and there similarly aged niece and nephews. She was also incredible with Lynn and Lucy, but they were like family to her since infancy. She had known them their whole lives. From what he had heard, she was in the stall next to Char when she found out little Lucy was coming. She knew even before Jack. It didn't really surprise him. Even when she was in her villain era Char was in Marjorie's corner, and if Marjorie had a soft spot for anyone it was Char.

Reece woke and realized she had gone already, but the boys were still asleep. He showered and headed to the kitchen. He was never more at home than in this kitchen. His kitchen. The one at the restaurant was close but this one was his and he didn't have to share it with anyone. He started the batter for some waffles for the boys, and then sat it in the fridge to chill until they woke up. He went right into his next task with fluidity. He chopped peppers and onions, mixed together a marinade, and vacuum sealed them along with the beef for supper later. Having place that I the fridge he began to prepare and cook chicken to make his homemade chicken nuggets, Emery's favorite, for their lunch. He hated processing the chicken that much, but he knew it was still leaps and bounds healthier than takeaway. He would cut the potatoes closer to lunch for the chips, but other than sides he had pretty much finished prepping all their meals for the day.

As he washed his hands he heard the little footsteps behind him. Too steady to be Emery although he had recently started throwing himself from the crib. "Where are my mama and mum?" He knew this was coming, but the conversation still filled him with a little bit of dread.

"Hey, Jamey, your moms had to go on a little trip, but they will be back in a few days. You are gonna hang out with Uncle Reece and Emery today and then Aunt Marjorie will be home later." Reece had spent some time with the boy. Enough to know that, like Quinn, he was one of the quiet ones. Emery and Reed were like that as well. Maybe a playdate could be arranged for Sunday. He put out some feelers with the others to see if they would like to get together before retrieving the batter for Jamey's waffles. He talked the entire time he worked, but the little boy just sat there in silence.

He knew that Jamey liked dinosaurs and space. He didn't have much in the way of dinosaurs, but he had space in spades. He finished cooking and then went up to grab Emery who he had heard thud from the crib. He didn't want him trying the same on the gate at the top of the stairs.

He got him settled with his cut up waffle and then wheeled the highchair with one hand while holding Jamey's hand with the other. He led them to a room down the hall from the lounge. When he opened the door, he saw Jamey's eyes go wide. Come on little buddy he beckoned him, but he was frozen to the spot. The room was seldom used after Marjorie moved in although she knew it existed. Everything from replicas of the solar system to legitimate moon rock that he had paid a fortune for and had authenticated. Not much in here was a toy, but he let Emery play with most of it from time to time. The five year old would cherish it more so he was less concerned. He didn't really need any of this anymore. It had been his peace before Marjorie. Marjorie and Emery were his peace now.

Jamey finally crossed the threshold and touched his little fingers to different items around the room but kept one eye on Reece in case he was going to get in trouble. "It is like when Mama took me to the space museum, but in your house. You can't touch in the museum."

"You can here, Jamey. Do you want to see a real rock from the moon?" The little boy's eyes lit up as he nodded. They left the room very few times over the course of the day, and when Marjorie got home, she found them there. She watched from the doorway as Reece snuggled a sleeping Emery while Jamey regaled him with all the space knowledge he had accumulated in his little lifetime. Seems he isn't so quiet if you put him on the right subject.

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