Second Verse, Same as the First

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The 10th of February 2027

Like muscle memory Reece jumped into action just as he had with Emery. She forgot how this part turned him in to a whirlwind. He took Emery back to the lounge and got him settled inside the play gate before returning to her. She looked up at him with a mixture of disdain, pain and fear. Gorgeous, let's get you changed and then once we get someone here for little man we will go to the hospital." He picked her up and took her up the stairs, helped her undress, cleaned her up, and re-dressed her. All while grabbing their go bag and making calls to Aut and Mia. Aut said she could be there in two minutes for Emery. She could tell he was nervous, but he was being just as amazingly proficient as he had with Emery. How was she in so much pain and reminded of how much more she loved this man this time around?

Aut had not lied. She was there and entertaining Emery before they even got back down the stairs. "Okay, Aut, can you let everyone know? I only called you and Mia."

With that he pulled her through the door and too the car. His anxiety was heightened but he couldn't feel it. He barely even noticed how his heart was beating against his chest as he drove them to the hospital.

As he ran into the hospital to get a wheelchair, he nearly toppled a nurse over before realizing it was Viv. He was so flustered he couldn't put together a sentence. "Sorry ... it's time ... Marjorie... now"

"Slow down, Reece, I will help you." Viv wheeled the wheelchair up to the car, and Reece helped her in.

As they were getting settled in the room, Viv was calling Siobhan. "What do you mean your already here"

"Aut called me. I left Ned with the inventory and dropped Jamey off with Winter and Aut. Aut will be on her way soon too. Sorscha and Clodagh are going to go help Winter with all the children."

She walked as she talked and was beside her wife by the end of the call. "What do we know?"

Viv explained that they were just getting her settled in. She wasn't usually on the labor and delivery unit, but two of the labor and delivery nurses were currently patients on the unit. She had already gotten herself assigned to Marjorie and was about to go check in with them. "I will come back and update you when I can. I have two other patients as well."

As she peeked in, Reece was sat on the edge of the bed holding Marjorie's hand. She checked the chart and looked at her vitals. Everything looked good. "Marjorie, it looks like we might be here for awhile is there anything I can get you?" She shook her head. "Bon is here if you want any visitors. It looks like Aut and Mia are on their way in as well"

They had all been in and out of the room as the night progressed. Even Mia had managed to make Marjorie chuckle a few times through her pain. Char and Carly arrived after the children went down for the night. Carly was half asleep leaning against Char. Siobhan, Aut and Mia were pacing the floor and yet somehow never bumped into one another in the small waiting room.

The 11th of February

Just after midnight Vivian came to the door and asked Char, Mia, and Aut to follow her. She led them right outside of their room. "She has stopped progressing and he is starting to panic. I think one of us should intervene. It happens sometimes. She will likely pick back up on her own, but with the state he was in these past few months this has thrown him over the edge."

All the women looked to Char. "You are kinda his unofficial therapist, and I don't think we are getting Veronica in here this time of night," Mia said.

Mia and Char went in and pulled him out. Aut went in and sat with Marjorie who was sleeping.

"What are you two doing? I can't leave her. She might ..."

Char cut him off. She pulled him into a warm embrace. "Reece, you are no good to her like this. When it all starts back up, she is gonna need you and you won't be able to help her like this."

He forgot how warm her hugs were, but in the moment, it brought him a calm he hadn't felt in hours. "I just need her to be okay, Char. I need them to be okay."

"Reece, the doctor hasn't seen anything to indicate otherwise. This happens sometimes. It happened to me with Lucy." She told him the story of Lucy's birth and watched as the tension left his body. As she hugged him again reassuring him everything would be okay, Aut  came around the corner.

"She is awake and measuring at 9 centimeters, you better get back in there."

As he ran back to the room, Mia looked at Char and asked. "Was any of that true?"

"Nope, but I think it might have worked." The three were still laughing as they entered the waiting room. Carly had fallen asleep and now all four women were pacing the small room. As they passed it each would glance at the clock.

Vivian passed the room twice but didn't stop to talk. When Siobhan saw her a third time she chased her down the hall. "Soon, Bon, soon" was all she said as she slipped into their room.

One by one the women settled and fell to sleep leaving Char on her own staring at the clock with Mia leaning against her shoulder. As she blinked away the sleep, Viv appeared in the door once again.

"They're ready to see all of you."

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