The Cook Off: Winter's Turn

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26th of November 2026

Reece, Marjorie and Emery were the first to arrive. Reece had equipment for the kitchen from the restaurant he wanted to set up before everyone arrived. Just a few items to make things easier he had said, but when they arrived in two separate cars Mia knew he had understated.

The plan was that all four would stay in the kitchen during each prep and cook time, but no one else would be allowed to be in the kitchen to identify who was actually doing the cooking. Young children were the exception though as three of the four still had children under two.

Once they had all arrived, Mia had them pull little slips of paper from a bowl and that was their order. The menu was already set so they had to prepare whatever was on it.

Reece chuckled at Mia when she pulled a two. The traditional American Thanksgiving meal. He had pulled a four, so he would be last. He liked the idea of being last because he would already know how the others had done.

Winter, who had only just arrived pulled the one and had to get right to work preparing and serving a full brunch. That left Vivian with brunch tomorrow. She sat down at the island. She was feeling relieved.

Reece sat down beside her. "How are you, Viv?"

"Exhausted. I was on the overnight this whole last week. Bon and Jamey just came out to the car when I got home this morning, and we came straight here."

He excused himself for a moment, and when he returned, he led her to the door in the kitchen. "Marjorie has agreed not to vote. She is going to take you back to the cottages so you can rest."

Viv gave him a crooked smile and followed Marjorie. She led her to the cottage in silence, but Vivian could tell that Marjorie was not herself.

"Alright, Marjorie, fess up! What is it?"

Marjorie didn't want to talk about it, but she blurted it all out in a matter of minutes. All the things Mia has ever done from the moment she met her.

Viv hadn't quite been prepared for all of that, but she tried to absorb it. "Marjorie, is it possible she is just doing it to get this reaction from you? We aren't really close to them, but I know enough to know she tries to stir the pot."

"Well, this pot doesn't need stirring. It's done. I am done."

Vivian looked at the younger woman who was nearly 7months pregnant. "Marjorie, you don't need this stress at this point in your pregnancy."

Marjorie instinctively put her hand on her bump. She knew Viv was right. She was only a few months from her 39th birthday, pregnant with her second child and still getting riled up by Mia. "You're right, Viv. Sorry for laying that all at your doorstep. Get some rest, my love. We will see you in a bit."

With that, Marjorie returned to the house and made a beeline for the kitchen. If she couldn't vote, she could at least get this off her chest. "Mia, what is your problem! We have spent these last years as close as any family and yet you still insist on these petty antics. You cannot tell me you did not know exactly what you were doing. What you have been doing. Every major decision you have brought to the board has been brought to everyone behind my back. What exactly are you playing at?"

She had not meant to shout, but Reece and Winter had both stopped in their tracks when she did. Mia on the other hand looked like she was stuck somewhere between rage and humiliation.

Winter broke the silence that had fallen over the group. "And ... she didn't even need a door to do it."

Reece stifled a laugh and tried to intervene, "Mia, I think what she.."

Marjorie stopped him, "Reece Knight if you utter one more word. I am nearly 39 years old, and I do not need my husband to fight my battles or explain my behavior."

That was all it took for Mia to lose it. She began laughing, and was quickly followed by the other three.

"Reecy, she is definitely your perfect match! Marjorie that was pure gold." Marjorie just glared at her. "Look, I know your right and believe me you are not the first person to yell at me about this this week or even today."

It wasn't an apology, but it was a start at least. Marjorie bit the inside of her lip before speaking. "Mia, I am not your enemy. I never was. We can't continue like this. I won't. We are getting far too old for it."

Mia wondered if that was a pointed comment on her turning 40 that year, but decided it was best to let it slide. A silence fell over the group before Winter announced it was time to serve.

As everyone ate, they talked among themselves trying to decide who could have prepared the delicious meal. Some were convinced it was Viv because of her absence at the table, but otherwise they were mostly divided.

Winter had even managed to make the waffles close enough to Mia's that even that was being questioned.

The friends fell into their familiar groups throughout the afternoon, and were lulled into a peace. Even Marjorie and Mia seemed to be kinder to each other. When Mia looked up and caught Char's eye, she knew the peacefulness wasn't going to last the weekend.

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