We're not friends ...

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Viv looked at Bon as she placed her hand on her thigh. "Where to, Bon?" The blond looked like she was deep in thought. Her brow was furrowed, and her lips were turned ever so slightly downward. "Bon! Sorry, where did you want to go now? We have the whole day. Well, until we have to pick up Jamey."

"Viv, can we just go to Marjorie and Reece's?" Viv furrowed her brow. She wasn't quite sure why she wanted to go there. Reece had said he didn't want to be involved. He wouldn't have agreed otherwise. So, what was this?

"Bon, he didn't want..."

"This isn't about him, Viv. It's her. You saw her reaction. As annoying as it is she doesn't react that calmly. She screams. Shrieks would be a better word. If we have truly mended things, she would have been happy for us. There is something not right, and I am not waiting decades again to find out what it is"

"Viv turned down their road but she was definitely feeling a bit anxious about this interaction with them. What if Siobhan pushed and they lost their friends? What if Marjorie truly hadn't forgiven Siobhan and it made Siobhan spiral out of control again. They couldn't really afford that. She had been almost zombie like with Roger, and from what she had been told even worse before they met.

Siobhan stilled herself before knocking. She knew they were home. Reece had told her last night that they would be. Before she could even knock, Marjorie opened the door and startled her. "Were you gonna knock or just stand here staring at the door all day?"

"I was working up the nerve."

"The nerve? Siobhan when have you ever had to work up the nerve to do anything?" Marjorie wasn't sure what was going on, but she ushered them in.

Siobhan couldn't sit still, and she could not hold it in. She just blurted it out. "Marjorie why weren't you happy for us? Why aren't you happy for us? I thought we were healing our past. I mean you basically offered up your own husband to make this possible. So, why aren't you more excited for us? For this ... this ... baby? I thought we were friends."

Marjorie looked up. She was shocked by the outburst. It was extremely unlike Siobhan. She knew she felt strong emotions, but Siobhan seldom showed them. She also knew she was going to have to explain herself and it wasn't going to be easy. There was a huge part of her that was ashamed of her initial reaction and her initial response, but she had no idea she would be explaining herself to Siobhan or Viv. It had been hard enough and humiliating enough to discuss with Reece. She wasn't even sure she wanted to discuss it with them or anybody else.

"Siobhan, I am happy for you, and for Viv. I am excited for you and your baby."

There it was again. Without the shrieking, it seemed less than genuine. She had thought they could talk it out. Thought they had healed enough to be honest with one another. "Marjorie, I thought you wanted this for us. I mean you jumped at the chance to help, and both of us know how excited you were to hear that Reece was going to donate for us. So, why this time? Why aren't you jumping around for us? I thought we were friends."

"Siobhan, we're not friends..."

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