The Morning

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As Marjorie descended the stairs, she heard people in the kitchen. She couldn't make out what they were saying but it was definitely Reece and Mia in some sort of dispute.

"That is not how you do it!"

"I taught you how to make waffles. How are you gonna tell me I am doing it wrong?"

"You may have taught me, but I perfected it and I am telling you that is not how you do it!"

When Marjorie entered the room, they both stopped what they were doing. She rubbed at her temples. "Who started this?"

They both pointed to the other, but their faces were enough to get her going. She started to laugh and couldn't stop. They couldn't hold back and started laughing. Soon all three were left wheezing trying to catch their breath when Reece noticed the smell.

"Shit! The waffles burnt!"

Mia couldn't let the moment pass. "Damn, Marjorie! I didn't know you could burn the food from clear across the room!" Marjorie glared at her, but it only elicited a chuckle from Mia.

Reece moved quickly and efficiently to clean the iron and get fresh batter down to make new waffles. He was always so effortless in the kitchen. It was like it took no thought at all.

"How did Emery end up in bed with Char?" Marjorie had been worried she slept through his cries with the monitor right next to her head.

"She just took him straight in there with her. I'm not sure if she forgot to put him down or just wanted the snuggles." Marjorie knew that their own boys often ended up in their bed now. That girl really loved a baby snuggle, and as the manager, she wasn't getting nearly as many at work.

Mia left out the fact that just a mere forty-five minutes ago she had been the one snuggled up to him while Char was doing her twisted up in Mia thing. She also didn't mention that she, not Char was the one who often brought one or more of their boys in their bed at home. She adored a good baby snuggle. She didn't say it but the smile on her face betrayed her. "What's that grin for?

"Nothing." She glared at Marjorie.

"Oh my God! It's you! You're the one who brought him in! You're the one who brings your own boys." Marjorie never thought she would be the type, but now she was nearly positive it was Mia.

"No, it isn't!" Even Reece didn't think she sounded convincing and left out a bellowing laugh. She punched him hard in the arm and pushed him to the side. "Let me do this!"

He put his hands up in surrender and walked away. He pressed his lips to Marjorie's. Good morning, gorgeous."

"Good morning, darling, how are you feeling?"

He actually wasn't doing too poorly thanks to her pushing the water. "Thank God for your vast history with hangovers." She slapped him playfully as Char and Emery emerged.

Marjorie broke the embrace and took Emery from Char. If they were gonna have waffles, she figured they better get ready first. Char followed her up the stairs to freshen up as well. It wouldn't be long until they had to be at the nurseries. As they were about to part ways in the hall Marjorie spoke. "How was he last night, Char?"

"Marjorie, he has some things to work through, but he has a plan now, so I think that alone makes him feel better."

"Thanks, Char, your friendship means a lot to him, and it means the world to me."

AN: Look for a special art piece that goes with this chapter on TikTok and Instagram @artbywill79

Thank you all for continuing to read, vote and comment.

To all of you who reached out after Alibi was complete, I was and am truly blown away by how much love that story has received.

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