Reece's Plan

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T/W: Birth trauma mental health disorders

Reece had been playing with Emery in the lounge when his phone rang. Mia? At first, he was going to ignore it. With the restaurant he sometimes felt he didn't get nearly enough time with Emery, and he really didn't want to be interrupted tonight when he had him all to himself. In the end he picked it up.

"Hey, Mia what's up?"

After her initial request for help she started to cry and became very hard to understand. "Mia, slow down where are you? Are you okay?

She and Char hadn't told anyone what had been going on. Their friends only knew that Mia hadn't gone back to work because she still needed time to heal. Marjorie had had quite a few calls from parents at the sister nursery that were unsatisfied with Charlotte, but they had chalked it up to her getting her footing as a new manager. Parents notoriously didn't like change unless they enacted it.

Birth trauma was outside of Reece's comfort zone, but Mia, for all that had transpired between them, was still his oldest friend and in recent years his once again confidant. He knew what he lacked in knowledge he could learn through research. Research was a comfort to him when he could find no solace in the world.

He grabbed Emery and went to their home office. He started searching anything that had ever been used on traumatic birth and panic disorders. There was so much to sift through, but he and little man would get the job done. To Reece this was his time to shine. He could find the most obscure information online. He just had a way of knowing how to query that got him to the right information on the right pages.

So many therapies had so little efficacy, and yet they were still being widely used. Hypnotherapy had some success, but not in all cases. It was really dependent on the individual and if there were comorbidities. Her severe blood loss could contribute to deficiencies that could be causing other issues as well.

He came across an article about cognitive processing therapy and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. They both seemed really promising, and if they were used in conjunction with each other had great potential. This was it he thought to himself. Now he just needed to find a clinic that was well versed in both.

An hour later he finally found one. Mia wasn't going to be happy about the location, but thanks to their parents, money was not an issue. If things were as bad as she said on the phone, this could be the answer to bring her back to her family. There were worse things then going to a premiere ultramodern facility that specializes in trauma therapy. He picked up the phone and dialed her number.

"Mia, I have a plan."

AN: There are so many more of you reading my little story now. I wanted to say how grateful I am, and thank you all for the lovely comments both on here and Facebook. You guys have motivated and inspired me. I started out with a pretty firm outline of how this story would go and what twists and turns it will take. You all have inspired me to make changes and even give some characters bigger storylines in the tale than I had originally planned. You are all amazing! ~ Aidey

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