Knights Like This

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Vivian woke Siobhan as Char woke the others. "Hey, Bon they are ready for visitors." She could see the questions in her eyes. The concern for their friends that had been thick in the room for hours. "They are okay, love, exhausted but okay, so we need to do this visit quickly so they can rest."

Viv looked around the room to make sure everyone understood. It only occurred to her then how each of these women really were such a huge part of Marjorie and Reece's life. The healing that had occurred over the years was more evident in moments like these, and she was glad that she and Siobhan got to be a part of it.

Each of them fidgeted with their things and their thoughts before standing. It had been a long night, but Marjorie and Reece had done it again. And so, had they. As a team. As a family.

They walked quietly towards the room. None of them allowing their faces to give a hint of the emotions they were feeling away. After all the anxiety of the night they all stopped at the door. None of them willing to make the first move. "Oh, for the love of god!" Siobhan muttered as she pushed the door open and entered the room.

Nearly eleven hours after her water broke, Marjorie and Reece were sat together on the bed gazing down at the tiniest little face. Siobhan almost couldn't believe how tiny this little being was, as the rest of them piled in behind her.

"Hello, loves, come meet the newest Knight." She looked to Reece. They had managed to keep their baby's gender a mystery even to themselves until today.

Reece was positively beaming with pride. "This little nugget is our daughter Aurora Grace."

"Daughter? You have a daughter?" Autumn was being uncharacteristically emotional and moved to hug first Marjorie and then Reece. She was followed by all the others.

It had been one hell of a night, but nights like this are what they would remember for years to come.

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