Chapter 28 : Lips in Haze

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Hi everyone! You might have noticed the question mark in the picture above. I left it there on purpose! Can you guess who's going to replace the question mark? Drop your guesses in the comments-I can't wait to see what you think!

As the drinks arrived at their table, Minho handed a glass to Hana, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

Hana: (hesitant) "I'm not sure, Minho. I've never had alcohol before..."

Minho: (teasing) "There's a first time for everything! Don't worry, I'll take care of you. Just trust me."

Tae, watching the exchange, leaned in slightly, his voice firm but not harsh.

Tae: "Hana, you don't have to drink if you don't want to. It's totally fine."

Eunji: (playfully nudging Hana) "Oh, come on, Hana! Just a little bit won't hurt. It's all part of the experience, right?"

Hana looked around at the group, feeling a mix of curiosity and pressure. Finally, she took a small sip from the glass Minho had handed her.

Hana: (surprised) "It's... not as bad as I thought."

Minho: (laughing) "See? I told you! Here, try a bit more. It gets better."

Tae, unable to hide his concern, reached out to touch Hana's arm lightly.

Tae: "Just go slow, okay? You don't need to keep up with anyone."

Minho: (smirking) "Don't worry, Tae. I've got her covered."

As the night went on, Minho continued to encourage Hana to drink, and before long, both of them were visibly tipsy. Tae and Jin, who had only had a few drinks each, exchanged a worried glance as they watched Minho and Hana giggling and swaying slightly to the music.

Jin: (quietly to Tae) "We should probably get them out of here soon."

Tae: (nodding) "Yeah, let's wrap this up."

Eunji, noticing Tae's concern, tried to lighten the mood.

Eunji: "Relax, Tae. They're just having fun. No harm in that."

But Tae was already focused on getting them home safely. He and Jin gently pulled Minho and Hana up from their seats, guiding them toward the exit.

Minho: (slurring slightly) "Hana's the prettiest girl here, isn't she, Tae? I'm so lucky..."

As they reached the car, Eunji helped Hana into the back seat next to Minho while Jin got in on the other side. Tae's jaw tightened as he saw Minho wrap an arm around Hana.

Tae: (trying to stay calm) "Make sure she's comfortable."

Minho: (smirking) "Don't worry, Tae. I'll take care of her."

Tae got into the driver's seat, with Eunji in the front passenger seat beside him. As he started driving, he kept glancing in the rearview mirror, his eyes narrowing every time he saw Minho leaning closer to Hana.

During the car ride:

Minho: (rambling) "You know, Hana... I think... you might be the one."

Hana: (resting her head on his shoulder) "The one for what?"

Minho: (grinning) "The one I've been waiting for..."

Tae: (clenching the steering wheel, eyes darting to the mirror) "Minho, shut up and sit back."

Minho: (ignoring Tae) "Hana... you're my lucky charm..."

As Tae focused on the road, his mind was elsewhere, replaying the scene over and over. The sight of Hana so close to Minho made his blood boil, and his grip tightened on the steering wheel. The rearview mirror seemed to taunt him with every glance-Minho leaning in closer, his arm tightening around Hana's shoulders. Tae's jealousy and anger bubbled to the surface, clouding his judgment.

Just as his anger peaked, Tae's attention slipped from the road. The car swerved slightly, narrowly missing another vehicle. Jin, noticing the sudden jolt.

Jin: "Tae! Watch the road!"

Tae snapped back to reality, his heart pounding as he corrected the car's course. He took a deep breath, forcing himself to focus, but the sight in the rearview mirror was impossible to ignore.

Tae's patience was on edge as he carefully helped Minho inside his place.After leaving Minho's apartment, Tae and Jin drove Eunji back to her place. The ride was subdued, with Tae's mind still swirling from the events of the night. Jin, ever perceptive, noticed Tae's distracted demeanor.

They pulled up to Eunji's place, and she got out of the car with a wave.

Eunji: (with a hint of irritation) "Thanks for the ride, Tae. See you around."

Tae and Jin waited until Eunji was inside before heading back to the car. Jin looked at Tae with a knowing glance.

Jin: (breaking the silence) "Tae, you really should talk to Hana. I can see how much you love her."

Tae: (nodding slowly) "Yeah, I know. It's just complicated."

Jin: "It doesn't have to be. If you love her, you need to be honest. It's the only way to fix things."

Tae: (sighing) "I'll think about it. Thanks, Jin."

Jin gave Tae a reassuring nod before stepping out of the car and heading toward his own place. Tae, now alone with his thoughts, drove back to his apartment.

Upon arrival, Tae carefully helped Hana from the car and carried her inside. He gently laid her on the bed and made sure she was comfortable before getting her a glass of water.

Hana: (mumbling, still half-asleep) "Tae... why are you so distant?"

Tae: (sitting beside her) "I'm not distant, Hana. I'm just... trying to sort things out."

Hana: (reaching out for his hand) "I miss our talks. I miss you."

Tae: (softly) "I don't like seeing you upset. Let's talk about this tomorrow. Just get some rest."

Hana looked at him with a mixture of confusion and sadness. She reached up and pulled him closer, pressing a tender kiss to his lips.

Tae was momentarily stunned as Hana's lips met his, the suddenness of the kiss catching him completely off guard. His heart raced, a whirlwind of emotions swirling inside him-surprise, longing, and confusion all mixed together.

For a brief moment, he felt the warmth of her soft lips, her scent intoxicatingly close, but then

For a brief moment, he felt the warmth of her soft lips, her scent intoxicatingly close, but then

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To be continued!!!!!

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