Chapter 39 : Revealing the Hidden Identity!

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At one point, Tae managed to overtake their car, blocking their path. The kidnappers screeched to a halt, but Tae was already out of his car, fury burning in his eyes as he stormed toward them.

The men stepped out, ready to fight. One of them sneered, "Big mistake, kid."

But Tae was fueled by pure rage and desperation. "You made the mistake," he growled before charging at them, landing a powerful punch on the first man who came at him. The man stumbled back, surprised by the force.

The other two lunged at Tae, but he was faster, dodging their attacks and countering with his own. "Get out of my way!" Tae roared, driving his elbow into one man's ribs and sending him sprawling to the ground.

In the midst of the struggle, Hana managed to free herself from the car, stumbling out, eyes wide with fear as she tried to get away.

One of the kidnappers, seeing this, tried to grab her again, but Tae, seeing red, tackled him to the ground. He unleashed punch after punch, his knuckles bruising, until the man was unconscious.

The remaining two men, seeing their comrade down, hesitated, exchanging uncertain glances. Tae didn't give them a chance to regroup. "You're done!" he shouted, taking them down with swift, brutal efficiency, not stopping until they were incapacitated on the ground, groaning in pain.

Breathing heavily, Tae rushed to Hana, pulling her into a tight embrace. His heart was still racing, but the relief of having her safe in his arms began to calm him down.

Tae whispered, his voice soft but laced with concern, "Are you okay?"

Hana, still shaken but grateful, nodded against his chest, tears welling up in her eyes.

Hana: "I-I'm fine... Thanks to you."

Tae held her even tighter, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

Tae: "I won't let anything happen to you, Hana. Not ever."

Soon after, Tae's parents arrived

Tae's mother rushed to Hana's side, her face etched with worry.

Tae's Mother: "Hana, are you hurt? Let's get you checked out."

Hana shook her head, still holding onto Tae.

Hana: "I'm okay... just scared," she said softly.

Tae's father placed a reassuring hand on Tae's shoulder. "You did good, son.

The kidnappers quickly escaped while the Tae family was distracted. Tae's family and Hana decided to head home, Tae staying close to Hana, almost as if he was afraid to let her out of his sight. Hana could feel his tension and his protectiveness.

Later that night, after making sure Hana was asleep, Tae went downstairs. His parents were waiting for him, concern written on their faces.

Tae's dad was the first to speak. "Tae, we've always trusted you and never questioned your decisions. But who is Hana? And who were those kidnappers?"

Tae sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Dad... I dont know who the kidnapers are, and her name isn't really Hana. There's something I need to tell you." He then told his parents everything about the book, time travel, and who Hana really was.

As he spoke, Hana woke up and quietly listened to the whole conversation while standing at the top of the stairs.

When Tae finished, Hana descended the stairs slowly,

Hana: expression serious. "So, you already know I'm a princess,"

she said, her voice carrying a mixture of sadness and resolve.

Everyone turned to look at her.

Tae's mom: spoke first, her voice gentle. "How are you feeling now, Hana?"

Hana: nodded, trying to muster a small smile. "I'm okay, Mom."

She turned to Tae, her eyes narrowing slightly.

Hana: "Tae, I need to talk to you." Without waiting for a response, she turned and headed back toward the bedroom.

Tae's dad: watched her leave, then looked at Tae with a serious expression. "That sounds serious, son. Maybe she's upset that you hid the truth from her."

Tae's mom: gave him an encouraging nod. "Go talk to her, but handle it smoothly."

Tae nodded and went to the bedroom. When he opened the door and stepped inside, he was greeted by a pillow flying straight at his face.

Tae: "What the-" barely had time to react before another pillow was thrown at him.

Hana's face was red with frustration as she grabbed more pillows, throwing them with all her might.

Hana: "Don't you dare talk to me! I trusted you, Tae! I risked everything, came out from the palace, snuck out at night to meet you, and you... you...!"

She broke down, tears spilling over as she struggled to catch her breath.

Tae, catching the last pillow, quickly dropped it and moved toward her.

Tae: "Hana, please listen to me," he pleaded.

But Hana pushed him away, her voice trembling.

Hana: "How could you, Tae? I thought... I thought we were honest with each other."

Tae's heart clenched at the sight of her tears. He couldn't bear seeing her like this. He gently took her by the shoulders and pulled her close, cupping her face in his hands.

Tae: "Minion," he said, his voice soft but firm, "I wanted you to tell me that you're a princess.

Would you trust me if a random guy came to you and said, 'I saw your painting in a book, and I time-traveled here?'"

Hana's eyes searched his, the sincerity in his words cutting through her anger.

Tae: "Please, Minion, trust me. I never wanted to hurt you. I don't like seeing tears in your eyes."

To be continued!!!!!

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To be continued!!!!!

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