Chapter 37: The Comfort of Apology

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Tae paused, his expression softening slightly, though frustration still lingered in his eyes. He let out a deep sigh, running a hand through his hair.

Tae: "No, Hana, I'm not mad at you. I'm just... frustrated. Everything's been piling up, and I don't know how to deal with it all."

The drive back home was filled with a tense silence. When they arrived, Tae's parents were busy arranging dinner.

Tae, still simmering with anger, declared that he wasn't hungry and retreated to his room.

Tae's mom, noticing Hana's worried expression, approached her.

Tae's Mother: "Hana, is everything alright? Tae seemed upset. Did something happen?"

Hana: (hesitant) "I'm not sure. He's been acting strange all day."

Tae's Mother: Nodded, go and change will have dinner.

Hana nodded and headed upstairs to their shared bedroom. Tae was standing in the balcony, lost in thought. Feeling a mix of frustration and concern, Hana changed into something more comfortable.

She sighed, deciding to give him some space, and left him to his thoughts. She then went downstairs to join Tae's parents for dinner, hoping that things might settle down by the end of the day.

Tae's parents, sensing the tension, did their best to keep the conversation light and engaging, but Hana's mind was on Tae.

After dinner, Hana went up to Tae's room to check on him. She found him still on the balcony, now dressed in casual clothes, lost in thought. She brought a plate of food for him.

Hana: "Tae, I brought food for you."

Tae: (frustrated) "How many times do I need to tell you I'm not hungry?"

His voice trembled with frustration and concern. Tae turned, his expression softening as he saw the tears forming in her eyes. The guilt hit him hard.

Tae: Minion......I....

Before he could finish, Hana turned to leave, but Tae quickly moved to grab her wrist. He pulled her into a tight embrace, his earlier anger dissipating as he held her close.

Hana: (angry, yet hurt) " I am sorry, I thought you might be hungry."

Tae: (softly) "No, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. It's just..."

Hana tried to pull away, but Tae's grip tightened.

Tae: "Can we just stay like this for a while? Please?"

Hana blushed deeply but nodded. Tae pulled her hand to make her hug him more tightly. Hana wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him nervously.

Tae: I am sorry I didn't hurt you again..

Hana: slightly nodded

They stood there, holding each other, their eyes closed, savouring the moment of closeness. The tension between them began to melt away.

Tae's parents had observed the scene from a slightly open door. They exchanged, knowing smiles.

Tae's Mom: (gently tapping Tae on the shoulder) "Do you like to stay like this forever?"

Tae: (with his eyes still closed, mumbling) "Yes."

Realizing what he had just said, Tae's eyes flew open. He quickly looked over to his mom, Hana, who was now blushing furiously and hiding behind him, clinging to his shirt.

Tae's Dad: (grinning) "Looks like someone's having a bit of a moment."

Tae: (panicked) "Mom, please... Its____not what you think."

Hana: (trying to explain) "Yes, Mom, you're misunderstanding -"

Tae's Mother: (with a hint of mischief) "Why? She's just your friend, right?"

Tae: (flustered) "Yes, but... ."

Tae's Mother: (smiling) "If you're not going to tell me, then I'll just have to assume something romantic is going on."

Tae, caught between embarrassment and frustration, tried to steer his parents out of the room.

Tae: "Mom, Dad, could you give us some privacy?"

Tae's Mother: (with a mischievous smile) "Alright, alright. We'll leave you two alone. But don't think we're done here. We're planning a little something for tomorrow."

Tae's Dad: "Yes, we want to take Hana out for a bit of shopping. You should join us if you can."

Tae and Hana exchanged bewildered glances, both blushing furiously. They attempted to explain their awkward situation but only succeeded in making things more confusing.

Tae: (pushing his parents gently toward the door) "Thank you for understanding, but really, we need some space right now."

Tae's Mother: (winking) "Don't worry, Tae. Hana's a lovely girl. We'll have a chance to get to know her better tomorrow."

After Tae's parents left, the room was filled with an awkward silence. Tae's face was still flushed from the encounter, and Hana was equally flustered.

Hana: (hastily) "I need to use the bathroom."

She quickly excused herself and headed to the washroom, leaving Tae alone in the room. Tae placed a hand on his chest, trying to calm his racing heart. He replayed the moments from earlier in his mind-the teasing, the hug, and the shared kiss other night. His cheeks burned with a mixture of embarrassment and lingering affection.

Meanwhile, Hana stood in front of the bathroom mirror, taking deep breaths to steady herself. She could still feel the heat from Tae's hug and the intensity of his gaze. She tried to compose herself, but her reflection showed a flushed face and a shy smile.

When Hana emerged from the bathroom, she saw Tae sitting on the edge of the bed eating the food she had brought earlier. He looked up as she entered, his expression softening.

Tae: (apologetically) "Sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to... you know."

Hana: (smiling faintly) "It's okay. I understand."

They shared a quiet moment, their earlier tension slowly dissipating. As they prepared for bed, both felt the weight of their emotions, their hearts still racing from the day's events.

They settled into bed, lying side by side, facing the ceiling. The silence was filled with the soft sounds of their breathing and the occasional creak of the bed. Tae, with a mixture of hesitation and determination, reached out and gently took Hana's hand in his.

Hana's heart fluttered at the touch. She turned her head slightly to look at him, her eyes meeting his with a blend of shyness and curiosity. Tae's fingers intertwined with hers, their hands resting together on the bed.

 Tae's fingers intertwined with hers, their hands resting together on the bed

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To be continued!!!!!

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