Chapter 31: Lost Pages, Lost Love

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Tae: "I need to talk to you about something important. Where are you?"

??: "I'm at home. Why?"

Tae: "I'm on my way. You're the only person who might be able to help me."

The drive to ??? apartment was tense, Tae's mind racing with the countless questions he needed answers to.

When Tae arrived, he rang the bell, his heart pounding with anticipation. After the second ring, the door opened, and ?? stood there, his expression shifting from curiosity to concern as he took in the serious look on Tae's face.

???: usual calm demeanour, but quickly realized this wasn't just a casual visit.

They sat down, and Tae didn't waste any time getting to the point.

Tae: (exhaling deeply) "Jin, I need to tell you something that's going to sound insane, but I need you to believe me."

Jin: (frowning) "Tae, you're starting to worry me. What's going on?"

Tae began recounting everything-from getting book from book store, his first encounter with Hana, the strange disappearance of the letters in the book, his time travel to the Joseon Dynasty, meeting Hana who was actually a princess, the mysterious hairpin, the strange liquid that was mixed into their food by someone, and the portal that had brought him back to the present day.

He also mentioned the confusion surrounding the calendar, which only reflected one day, despite his prolonged stay in the past.

Jin listened, his expression growing more incredulous with each passing detail. By the time Tae finished, Jin was at a loss for words, but when he saw the glimmer of tears in Tae's eyes as he talked about the possibility of losing Hana if she were to be sent back to her time, he realized just how serious his friend was.

Jin: (after a pause) "Tae... are you telling me you've actually been to the Joseon Dynasty? You met a princess? And you're afraid she might disappear?"

Tae: (nodding) "I know it sounds crazy, but I swear it's the truth.

I'm terrified, Jin. I don't know when-or if-I'll be taken back. And if Hana goes back alone... I might never see her again."

Jin took a deep breath, trying to wrap his head around everything. The situation was far beyond anything he had ever imagined.

Jin: "Okay, let's start with what we know. Did you notice anything unusual on the days you time-traveled? Anything that might be a trigger?"

Tae thought for a moment, replaying the events in his mind.

Tae: "It was raining..." Both times it happened, it was raining heavily."

Jin nodded thoughtfully, taking in this new piece of information.

Jin: "Alright, that's something. Rain might be a factor. Are there any other things you noticed? And where's the book now?"

Tae: As far as I remember, I dont find anything unusual. The book is at Jimin's place, but the letters in it have already disappeared. I'm not sure how or why, but it's like the book erased itself."

Jin: "But you mentioned the book is still at Jimin's house. That means it's not stuck in the past-it's here, in our time again. That's how you found it in that bookstore."

Tae: (realizing) "You're right. The book should still exist now. We might be able to find another copy or even the exact same one."

Jin: "Exactly. Did you check the same place where you originally found it? There might be another copy, or maybe it's still there."

Tae: "No, I haven't. I was so caught up in everything that I didn't think of it. I'll go back as soon as possible."

Tae: (determined) "I'll head over there right away. If I can find it, maybe I can figure out how to control this time travel... or at least understand it better."

Jin: "Good. While you're doing that, I'll dig into historical records or any references to similar books. There has to be some information out there that can help us."

Tae: "Thanks, Jin. I'll update you as soon as I find something."

Jin: "And Tae, don't forget we can involve your parents. As archaeologists, they might have access to resources that could help us."

Tae: nodded and left

Tae left Jin's apartment, his thoughts racing. The possibility that the book was still out there gave him renewed hope. He knew finding it was crucial, not just to unravel the mystery of his time travel but also to protect Hana.

When Tae arrived home, he noticed that his parents were out-perhaps running errands or on a quick trip to the grocery store. The house was quiet, too quiet.

Tae's heart began to race as he rushed upstairs to his room, expecting to find Hana there, but the room was empty. His pulse quickened, and a cold sense of dread started to settle in his stomach.

Tae pov :Where could she have gone? Did she... "did she somehow get pulled back to the Joseon Dynasty?

Panic surged through him as he began searching the entire house, moving from room to room with increasing desperation.

Every empty space he checked only amplified his fear. His voice trembled as he called out her name, each time growing more frantic.

Tae: (desperately) "Hana? Hana, where are you?"

The silence that followed was unbearable. His mind raced with terrifying possibilities-what if she had disappeared? What if he never saw her again?

The thought sent a chill down his spine, and his eyes began to blur with tears. He couldn't lose her, not like this.

 He couldn't lose her, not like this

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