Chapter 23: Perfectly Spoiled by Him

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The first light of dawn filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room. Tae carefully extricated himself from the cozy embrace, trying not to disturb her, and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

In the kitchen, Tae busied himself with making pancakes and eggs. As he cooked, he thought about how much he enjoyed having Hana around and the depth of his feelings for her, even though he hadn't yet found the right moment to express them.

The delicious smell of breakfast wafted through the apartment, rousing Hana from her sleep. She stretched and slowly made her way to the kitchen, where she found Tae at the stove, humming softly.

Hana: Yawning. "Good morning, Tae. It smells amazing in here!"

Tae: "Good morning, Hana! I thought I'd make us a nice breakfast. I hope you're hungry."

They sat down to eat, enjoying the simple but delicious meal. Hana marveled at how different everything was here—so modern, so fast-paced compared to her life back home. She could tell Tae was deep in thought, but she didn't press him, happy just to share this quiet moment.

After breakfast, Tae wrote a quick note to his grandparents and sticked on the fridge, explaining that he needed to return to the city to attend his classes.

They sat down to eat, enjoying the simple but delicious meal. Hana marveled at how different everything was here—so modern, so fast-paced compared to her life back home. She could tell Tae was deep in thought, but she didn't press him, happy just to share this quiet moment.

After breakfast, Tae wrote a quick note to his grandparents, explaining that he needed to return to the city to attend his classes and promised to visit them again soon. Leaving the note on the fridge, Tae then booked a car to take them back to his place in the city.

As the car sped along the highway, Hana's eyes were glued to the window. She stared in awe at the bustling roads, the endless streams of cars, and the towering skyscrapers that seemed to touch the sky. Her jaw dropped as she took it all in, completely overwhelmed by the sights and sounds of the city. Tae noticed and chuckled softly.

Tae: "It's a lot to take in, isn't it?"

Hana nodded, still wide-eyed.

Hana: "It's incredible. Everything is so big and... fast!"

Tae smiled, happy to see her so excited. The car pulled up to his apartment building, and they made their way inside. Tae led Hana around the apartment.

As they entered the living room, Hana's eyes were drawn to a framed photo on the wall. It was a picture of Tae as a child, standing between his parents and smiling brightly. She walked over to it, studying it closely.

Hana: "You're so cute here, Tae."

Tae:  grinned and playfully nudged her. "Am I not cute now?"

Hana blushed slightly and looked away, unsure how to respond. Tae laughed, enjoying her reaction.

Tae showed her each room and explains the various devices and gadgets. Hana marvelled at the advanced technology—far more sophisticated than anything she had seen at his grandparents' house.

Later in the afternoon, Tae decided it was time to take Hana shopping. They went to a large mall, and Tae helped Hana pick out a variety of outfits—everything from casual clothes to elegant dresses, he also bought her jewelry. Hana felt a little overwhelmed by all the choices, but Tae was patient, offering suggestions and making sure she was comfortable with each selection.

After picking out the clothes, Tae took Hana to a hair salon. He spoke with the hairstylist, helping to choose a haircut that would suit her. As the stylist worked, Tae also arranged for Hana to get a manicure, spa treatment, and overall pampering session. When Hana finally emerged from the salon, she looked stunning—her hair styled beautifully, her nails perfectly done. Tae was completely captivated by her new look.

Tae: "Wow, Minion... you look... amazing."

Hana blushed again, feeling shy under his intense gaze.

Hana: "Thank you, Tae."

On the way back home, Tae kept stealing glances at Hana, unable to take his eyes off her. Hana noticed and felt her heart flutter, though she remained quiet, unsure of what to say. They made a quick stop at an ice cream parlor, where Tae bought two ice cream cones—strawberry for himself and chocolate for Hana.

Tae: "Here, try this. It's called ice cream.  You'll like it."

Hana took a tentative lick, her eyes lighting up as the cold, sweet flavor melted on her tongue.

Hana: "This is delicious! I've never had anything like it."

Tae smiled and looked Hana with loving eyes.

That evening, they returned to Tae's apartment, where he started preparing dinner. Hana offered to help, watching closely as Tae explained each step, showing her how to use kitchen gadgets and cook the ingredients. It was a simple meal, but the process of making it together made it special.

After dinner, Tae sat Hana down and showed her how to use the phone he had bought for her. He patiently explained the basics—how to make calls, send messages, and even how to take pictures. Hana was fascinated, though she struggled a bit with the unfamiliar technology.

Tae: "Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it. If you ever need help, just knock on my door or give me a call."

He then showed her to the guest room where she would be sleeping. Hana looked around, taking in the cozy space.

Tae: "This will be your room. If you need anything, just let me know."

Hana nodded, appreciating his kindness.

Hana: "Thank you, Tae. I really appreciate everything you've done for me."

Tae smiled, feeling a warmth in his chest.

Tae: "It's no problem at all. Get some rest, okay?" We will go to my college tomorrow...

Hana nodded and settled into her room, Tae returned to his own, reflecting on the day. He felt a deep connection with Hana but still couldn't find the right moment to tell her how he truly felt.

That night, as he lay in bed, Tae couldn't stop thinking about Hana—her shy smiles, her curious eyes, and how she seemed to light up whenever she discovered something new. He knew he was falling for her, and deep down, he hoped she felt the same.

 He knew he was falling for her, and deep down, he hoped she felt the same

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To be continued...

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