Chapter 35: Painting in Missing Book!!!

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Hana: (softly) "Your hug... it reminds me of my mother. She passed away when I was a child."

Tae's mother pulled back slightly, still holding Hana's arms, her expression softening with sympathy.

Tae Mom: (gently) "Oh, Hana, I'm so sorry to hear that. Losing a mother is a pain that never really goes away."

Hana nodded, wiping away her tears as she tried to smile.

Hana: "Thank you. Your kindness Aunty... it means a lot to me."

Tae's mother smiled warmly, brushing a stray tear from Hana's cheek.

Tae Mom: "Hana, you can call me Mom. After all, when you marry Tae, I'll be your mother."

Tae Dad: (grinning) "And I'll be your father."

Tae's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, his eyes widening as he tried to put a stop to the teasing.

Tae: (exasperated) "That's enough, guys! Please, leave us alone."

Before his parents could respond, Tae gently took Hana by the wrist and started leading her toward the door, eager to escape the playful teasing. Hana followed, her heart fluttering from the warmth of the moment and the unexpected closeness of Tae's family.

As they stepped outside, Tae stole a glance at Hana, a small smile playing on his lips.

Tae: (softly) "Sorry about that... they can be a bit much sometimes."

Hana, still blushing from the whole encounter, shook her head with a shy smile.

Hana: "It's okay... it was nice, actually."

Tae's smile widened, a warmth spreading through him as they approached the car. He opened the door for Hana, and once they were both settled inside, they began the drive to the village.

As they drove, the conversation flowed naturally, filled with light banter and shared glances.

Tae: "You know, my grandparents are... well, let's just say they have their own brand of humor. Prepare yourself."

Hana: (smiling) "If they're anything like your parents, I think I'll manage."

Tae: (grinning) "Oh, they're worse. But they mean well. Just... don't be surprised if they try to adopt you on the spot."

Hana laughed, the sound soft and melodic, and Tae couldn't help but feel lighter in her presence.

Hana: "I've never really had a big family before... It's nice. Overwhelming, but nice."

Tae: (glancing at her) "You fit right in. They already love you, you know."

Hana: (teasing) "Well, your mom did say I'd be calling her 'Mom' in the future."

Tae chuckled, a hint of nervousness in his voice.

Tae: "Yeah, about that... they're just really enthusiastic. No pressure or anything."

Hana: (softly) "I know."

The rest of the drive was filled with light conversation, mostly about the village and Tae's childhood memories. Hana listened intently, picturing a young Tae running around the village, and it made her smile.

The car finally pulled up in front of his grandparents' home, an old, cozy house surrounded by trees.They stepped out of the car, and as soon as they reached the front door, it flew open.

Grandma: "There's my handsome grandson! And where's my Tae's soon-to-be wife?"

Tae's eyes widened, and he shot Hana an apologetic look before turning to his grandmother.

Tae: (flustered) "Grandma, please, she's my friend."

Grandpa: (grinning) "That's not what your father told me. He said you're still taking your sweet time."

Before Tae could respond, Hana stepped forward, bowing deeply and respectfully to the elders.

Hana: "It's a pleasure to meet you both. I'm Hana."

Grandma and Grandpa exchanged a look of approval, beaming at her.

Grandma: "Well, aren't you just the sweetest thing! Come in, come in!"

As they all moved inside, Grandma pulled Hana into a warm hug, patting her back.

Grandma: "You're already part of the family, dear."

Hana smiled shyly, touched by the warmth she was receiving. But as Grandma pulled back, her eyes widened slightly as she took a closer look at Hana.

Grandma: (squinting) "Wait a minute... isn't she the spitting image of that painting in that old book of yours, Tae? What was her name? Pri—"

Before she could finish, Tae quickly stepped in, his heart racing.

Tae: (hurriedly) "Grandma, why don't we catch up in the kitchen? I've got something to tell you."

He gently but firmly steered his grandmother away from Hana and toward the kitchen, leaving his grandfather and Hana alone for a moment.

Once in the kitchen, Tae explained everything to his grandmother—the time travel, the mysterious book, Hana's true identity, and his desperate search for answers. His grandmother listened intently, her usual lighthearted demeanor replaced with concern.

Grandma: (whispering) "This is serious, Tae. If Hana really is that princess..."

Tae: (nodding) "I know. That's why I need to find that book again."

Grandma: (thoughtfully) "The one you found originally should still be around somewhere. Have you tried looking in the same place?"

Tae: "I'm planning to, but I don't know when she will disappear."

After a few more words of advice, Tae and his grandmother returned to the living room, where Grandpa and Hana were chatting happily. Tae felt a mix of relief and anxiety—relief that Hana was welcomed, and anxiety about the search for the book.

The rest of the visit was filled with laughter and stories, but Tae couldn't shake the feeling of unease. He needed to find that book.

After some time, he excused himself and drove to the small bookstore where he had originally found the mysterious book. The bell above the door jingled as he entered, and the familiar scent of old paper and ink greeted him. His heart pounded as he searched the shelves, scanning each title with growing frustration.

Finally, he reached the spot where he had first found the book. But as his fingers traced the spines of the books on the shelf, his heart sank.

He approached the counter, where the elderly shopkeeper, Mr. Song, was carefully arranging a stack of books. Tae cleared his throat, trying to steady his nerves.

Tae: "Mr. Song, do you remember that old book you gave me a few days ago? The one with the unusual cover?"

Mr. Song looked up, confusion flickering across his face.

Mr. Song: "What are you talking about, Tae? I haven't given you any book recently."

To be continued!!!!!

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To be continued!!!!!

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