Chapter 72: An Invitation to Love

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As Jungkook and Mi-Rae went downstairs, they found Jungkook's parents waiting for them in the living room. They took their seats on the cozy couches, and Jungkook's dad broke the silence.

Jungkook's dad: "Mi-Rae, I'm sorry for keeping Jungkook at the office so much lately. I know it must be tough."

Mi-Rae: smiled softly, shaking her head. "Uncle, you don't have to apologize. I understand how important the company is, but sometimes... it's just a bit difficult."

Jungkook reached over, gently squeezing Mi-Rae's hand in silent support, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on her palm. Mi-Rae felt warmth flood through her at his touch.

Jungkook's dad: "Please, Mi-Rae, treat us like your parents."

Jungkook's mom, her voice full of affection, chimed in with a smile. "Yes, sweetheart, start calling us mom and dad. We already see you as part of the family."

Mi-Rae felt a sudden surge of emotion, her heart swelling with happiness. She blinked back tears and managed a small smile. "Thank you... thank you so much."

Jungkook's mom stood up, walking over to sit next to Mi-Rae. She wrapped her arms around her in a comforting embrace. "Oh, don't cry, Mi-Rae. We'll always be here for you. And if Jungkook ever gives you trouble, just let me know, and I'll punish him!"

Jungkook, with a playful smirk, puffed out his chest and sat up straighter. "Mom, I've got this. I'm taking care of her just fine. I'm perfect, actually."

Jungkook's dad chuckled, shaking his head. "Kookie, I'm giving you four days off from work. Take my daughter on a trip. You both deserve some time away."

Jungkook's eyes lit up as he looked at his dad, feeling a wave of excitement. He jumped up and hugged his father. "Thanks, Dad! That's exactly what we need."

Jungkook's dad leaned in, whispering in his ear with a teasing smile. "Plan it right, son. Don't mess it up."

Jungkook whispered back, "Don't worry, Dad, I've got it covered."

Both of them exchanged a smile before turning their attention to Mi-Rae.

Jungkook: "Okay, Mom, Dad, we'll head out now."

Jungkook's parents, in unison, quickly protested.

Jungkook's mom: "Why don't you two stay here tonight? It's already late."

Jungkook smiled. "We'll come again soon, I promise."

Jungkook's mom pulled Mi-Rae into a hug. "You can come over anytime, sweetie. You don't need Jungkook to bring you. This is your home too now."

Mi-Rae, hugging her back, felt a sense of warmth and belonging she hadn't expected. "Thank you, Mom," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.

Jungkook's dad smiled warmly. "That's right. Just call, and I'll send the driver to pick you up anytime. You're always welcome here, Mi-Rae."

Mi-Rae smiled gratefully. "Thank you... Dad," she said, adjusting to calling them her new family.

Jungkook's parents exchanged a proud glance.

Jungkook's mom added with a playful look at her son, "You're part of this family now, Mi-Rae. Don't worry about him."

Mi-Rae chuckled, feeling lighter, and finally said, "I'll visit more often, I promise."

Jungkook, feigning hurt, crossed his arms. "Why is no one asking me if I'll come more often? What about me?"

His parents laughed, and Mi-Rae grinned, squeezing his hand. "You'll come with me, Kookie."

Jungkook winked at her. "Well, as long as you're going, I guess I'll tag along."

The room filled with laughter, and the warmth of family enveloped them.

As they sat in the car, Jungkook's parents waved goodbye, their smiles warm and encouraging. Mi-Rae waved back, a bright smile on her face, feeling a rush of excitement as Jungkook started the engine. The rhythmic purr of the car filled the air, creating a comfortable atmosphere between them.

Suddenly, the sky opened up, rain pouring down in heavy sheets. Instead of stopping, Jungkook pressed on the accelerator, steering the car toward their penthouse. The sound of raindrops against the windshield was soothing, but it couldn't drown out the playful thrill in the air.

When they finally arrived at the penthouse, Mi-Rae jumped out, laughter bubbling from her lips as the rain soaked through their clothes. She rummaged through her bag, searching for the keys, but as she did, she felt Jungkook's eyes on her, a smoldering gaze that made her heart race. Unaware of his admiration, she continued her search, her fingers finally finding the keys.

"Finally!" she exclaimed, holding them up triumphantly. But then she caught the intensity in Jungkook's eyes and felt her cheeks flush. Looking away, she hurried to the door, her heart pounding.

Just as she was about to unlock it, Jungkook stepped forward, pulling her close and kissing her deeply. With one hand, he opened the door without breaking the kiss, leading her into the dimly lit hall. The warmth of the space enveloped them, contrasting with the chill from the rain.

Mi-Rae pulled back, breathless, and playfully hit his shoulder. "Kook, wait! We're soaked! I need to change!"

"Why do you need clothes, babe?" he teased, his voice low and inviting.

She blushed, her heart racing at his words. "No, Kook, I need a shower!" she replied, stepping back with a smile, trying to create a little distance.

Jungkook took a step forward, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "We can take a shower together, babe."

"No, Kook!" She giggled and started to run, the sound of her laughter ringing out like music in the air.

"Don't play with me, babe! If I catch you, I'll make sure you can't walk for a week!" His voice was teasing, but there was an edge of seriousness that made her flinch.

With surprising agility, Jungkook jumped from the sofa and caught her, pulling her into his lap. The playful tickling began, her laughter bubbling over as she tried to hold his hands to make him stop.

He paused, cupping her face gently to make her look at him. "I love you so much, babe."

"I love you too, Kook," Mi-Rae replied, her heart swelling with affection. "Thanks for giving me so much love."

"I want you to be happy. I want us together forever, babe."


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To be continued!!!!!

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