Chapter 6: Bonds of Brotherhood

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Jimin pretended to cry. "Yes, we'll do that too. Meanwhile, don't come this way."

V grinned. "Alright, I'll wait. But don't forget our plan."

"I won't," Jimin sighed. "Just stay out of trouble for now."

With that, V unwillingly agreed and returned home, eagerly waiting for the festival to end and their plan to unfold.

The next day, while Jimin was busy at the palace, V arrived at their home and found Jimin's father unconscious. He rushed to help, carrying him inside and calling for Jimin's mother. Together, they tended to him until he regained consciousness.

Mrs Park: V, thank you so much for helping out earlier.

V: Oh, it was nothing, Mrs. Park. I'm just glad I could be of help.

Mr. Park: Son, you have no idea how much we appreciate it. Mrs Park told me you found me unconscious and rushed to get help.

V: I was just in the right place at the right time, Mr. Park. I'm glad I could assist.

Mrs. Park: You're like a son to us, V. We were worried sick about Jimin working at the palace and then this happened.

V: I'm always here to help. Your family has been so kind to me since I arrived.

Mr. Park: You know, V, when Jimin first brought you home, we were a bit uncertain. But seeing you take care of our family like this... you've proven yourself more than worthy.

Mrs. Kim: V, you've become part of the family. You can call us Mom and Dad.

V: (smiling) Thank you, Mom and Dad. It means a lot to me.

When Jimin returned home, he was immediately told about his father's condition by his mother. She also shared how V had helped. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Jimin embraced V tightly.

That night, as they lay in their room, 

Jimin:  felt emotional and said, "Thank you, V. I don't know what I would have done without you."

V: smiled, "I'm happy to help, Jimin. You're my only friend here, and you've taken care of me when everyone else saw me as a threat."

Jimin:  sighed, feeling a pang of guilt. "I need to tell you something. When I first brought you home, it was because I thought I could use you to get a promotion. But after spending time with you, I forgot all about that. You became a real friend to me."

V:  touched by Jimin's honesty, hugged him. "I'm glad we became friends. I wouldn't trade this for anything."

After a while 

V: "Jimin, you know, Yuna's been talking about you non-stop. She even mentioned how your dancing at the festival last year made her aunt faint," V teased, grinning mischievously.

Jimin: rolled his eyes, "Oh please, that was just a dramatic swoon. Her aunt loves drama almost as much as you love chasing after palace mysteries."

V: "Hey, Jimin," V nudged, "I think I need to revisit the palace. Maybe the mysterious woman dropped another hairpin just for me."

Jimin: chuckled, "Sure, and maybe this time, she'll leave a love letter, just for you."

V:  Grinned mischievously, "Who knows? Maybe she's waiting for me to sweep her off her feet with my poetry skills."

Jimin: Raised an eyebrow, "You mean the poetry you wrote on your lunch bag last week? 'Roses are red, palace walls are tall, I'll sneak in again, and surprise them all.'"

V:  "Exactly! It's a masterpiece in the making."

Jimin: chuckled, "Sure, keep dreaming. Just don't forget to invite me to the royal wedding."

V:  stifling a yawn, "We should probably get some sleep.

Jimin: "True," stretching. "Just promise me you won't do anything crazy while I'm asleep."

V: "No promises," while laughing. "But I'll try to behave."

Jimin: "Good enough," while shaking his head. "Goodnight, V."

V: "Goodnight, Jiminaa."

The next day Yuna called Jimin over and told him she could go to the bonfire next year. For now, she wanted him to help V on the day of the festival as It's safer for both"

Jimin and V planned their next move. V was thrilled and thanked Yuna, promising to buy her favorite treat.

Two days later, as the festival lights danced across the night sky, V and Jimin prepared for their sneaky mission. The air was thick with anticipation.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock at the door.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock at the door

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