Chapter 15: In the Fields of Happiness

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Tae excused himself momentarily.

Tae: "Wait here, my lady. I have something to prepare."

Hana waited anxiously, her mind racing with thoughts of what awaited them. Soon, she heard the sound of hooves approaching. Tae returned with a horse, stopping beside her.

Hana couldn't help but be surprised at the sight of Tae on horseback. He looked handsome and gallant, starkly contrasting his usual attire.

Tae: "My lady, you have plenty of time to see me. For now, take my hand."

Hana felt a bit embarrassed but took Tae's hand and gracefully mounted the horse in front of him.

As Tae rode the horse, Hana found herself seated close to him, her back against his chest. She felt shy and tried to move away, but Tae leaned in closer, his voice soft near her ear.

Tae: "Minion, don't move away from me."

Hana blushed deeply, turning to him with curiosity.

Hana: "Minion? What does that mean?"

Tae chuckled, amused by her reaction.

Tae: "Minion is a term for someone small, cute, and playful. Like you."

Hana: "Oh! I thought it was a girl's name. Why are you calling me that?"

Tae laughed softly.

Tae: "It's not a girl's name, it's a term of endearment. Like a fictional character."

Hana: "Fictional?"

Tae smiled mysteriously.

Tae: "I'll explain later. For now, my minion, let's enjoy the ride."

As they approached their destination, Hana's foot got caught in the stirrups as she dismounted. She almost fell, but Tae swiftly caught her by the waist.

Tae: "Be careful, my Lady. I prefer you falling only for my words."

Hana blushed furiously, turning away shyly.

Hana: "Please, put me down."

Tae gently released her, and they continued walking a short distance until they reached the edge of a cliff overlooking a breathtaking sunset.

Hana gasped at the stunning view, feeling overwhelmed with happiness.

Hana: "Tae, it's beautiful! Thank you for bringing me here."

Tae:  Wait "You called me Tae?"

Hana realized her slip-up and quickly corrected herself.

Hana: "I meant to say, 'My guard.' It's so beautiful, my guard."

Tae grinned mischievously.

Tae: "Minion, I heard my name. Say it again."

Hana chuckled, shaking her head playfully.

Hana: "No, I won't."

Tae pouted, pretending to be hurt.

Tae: "Please, My lady, just one more time?"

Hana started to walk away, teasingly.

Tae followed her, pleading.

Tae: "Wait, my minion!"

After some time, Hana relented.

Hana: "Alright, let's go back to the palace. I need to return before anyone notices I'm gone."

Tae: "Don't worry, my minion, I will take you to the palace but for now, I have one more surprise for you."

Hana: Excitedly!! "Another surprise?" 

Tae: Chuckled "Yes, come with me!"

Tae led her to a field of rapeseed flowers, where Hana's eyes widened in delight.

Hana: Caught up in the moment, inadvertently held Tae's hand and said. "They're beautiful! I've never seen them before.

Tae: "I'd do anything if you held my hand like this."

He gently intertwined his fingers with hers, showing her hands clasped together.

Hana's heart skipped a beat as she realized what she had done. Flustered, she took a step back, releasing his hand abruptly. Tae, however, was undeterred. He closed the distance between them with a tender smile, brushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

Tae: "You're more beautiful, my minion."

Hana met his gaze, feeling a rush of emotions she struggled to articulate.Tae sensed her shyness and withdrew his touch. Instead, he moved to fetch the horse they had ridden here on.

As they rode back to the palace in comfortable silence, Hana couldn't wipe the smile off her face. She stole glances at Tae, who smiled back warmly each time, his eyes reflecting the joy of their shared adventure. 

As they neared the palace walls, Tae helped Hana dismount and ensured they entered without drawing attention.

Hana smiled gratefully at Tae, reluctant to part ways but knowing they had to return to their duties. She was about to leave!!

Tae:  Minion!! he called softly.

Hana looked behind her, where Tae stood holding a bunch of rapeseed flowers. She smiled and walked towards him eagerly, but Tae teasingly pulled the bouquet out of her reach. Hana tried to grab the flowers from him, jumping around. Tae caught her hand and gently kissed it before handing her the bouquet.

Hana: Shyly, began to run off but turned back briefly to say, "Thank you, Tae."

Tae:  "Smiled warmly as she called him by his name, waving goodbye."

To be continued!!!!!

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