Chapter 18: Unspoken Truths

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Jimin, patrolling nearby, saw the commotion from a distance. He sprinted toward them, shouting, "Let her go!"

One guard turned and attacked Jimin, drawing a sword. The other continued to drag Hana. Jimin fought back fiercely, engaging the first guard in a heated duel.

Meanwhile, Soojin encountered Tae during his patrol. 

Soojin: "You're still here?" she asked, confused.

Tae: Frowned, "What do you mean?"

Soojin: "I mean, Hana left a while ago to meet you in the garden. She received a note from you."

Tae: Eyes widened in alarm. "I didn't send any note."

Realizing something was amiss, they both ran to the garden. From a distance, Tae saw Jimin fighting one guard while another dragged Hana. Tae drew his sword and charged, attacking the guard with Hana. After a fierce struggle, both guards fled.

Tae: Breathing heavily, rushed to Hana's side. "Are you hurt?" he asked, checking her for injuries.

Hana:  Still trembling, shook her head. "No, I'm fine," she whispered, tears streaming down her face.

Tae:  Hugged her tightly. "I'm so sorry I was late. I won't let anything happen to you."

Soojin:  Approached, her face pale with worry. "Let's get you back to your room."

Tae: Nodded, caressing Hana's cheek. "Go with Soojin. I'll take care of Jimin."

Hana nodded, tears still flowing, and followed Soojin back to her quarters.

Meanwhile, from a hidden vantage point, Hye-Won watched the entire scene unfold. She quickly ran back to the old women and young master's chambers.

Hye-Won: Bowing respectfully to the Old woman and Young Master" Guard Tae-hyung's friend Jimin intervened, Tae-hyung arrived shortly after and fought off our men."

Young Master's:  Eyes blazed with fury. "Tae-hyung! I will kill him!" He stormed towards the door.

old woman: Spoke in a calm, commanding voice."Wait, Ji-Hoon."

Ji-Hoon: He turned, glaring. "Grandma!! How long should I wait and watch their romance and Tae-hyung's defiance?"

Grandma: Remained composed. "I've only failed twice. It doesn't mean I am a fool. I want to see how far that guard can go. We need to plan accordingly. I promise you, I will send Princess Na-Rae to your world with you."

Back at Jimin's home, Tae was tending to Jimin's wound.

Tae: "What happened back there, Jimin?"

Jimin: Winced as Tae cleaned his wound. "I heard someone screaming for help. At first, I thought I misheard, but I decided to check it out. I saw two guards dragging Hana, one covering her mouth. I attacked the first guard, but the other continued to drag her. I managed to injure one, but the other slashed my arm."

Tae: Listened intently, his expression serious. "Thank you, Jimin. I don't know what would have happened to Hana if you hadn't been there."

Jimin: Smiled weakly. "We're brothers, Tae. No need to thank me."

Tae: Hugged Jimin gratefully. Just then, Yuna burst into the room, eyes wide with worry. 

Yuna: Rushed to Jimin's side, tears welling up. "What happened?"

Tae: Looked at her apologetically. "I'm sorry, Yuna. I couldn't keep my promise."

Jimin: Tried to downplay the injury. "It's just a scratch, Yuna. Don't worry."

Yuna: "A scratch? Are you serious?" She continued to fuss over him, and Tae stepped out to give them some privacy.

As Tae left, he couldn't shake the feeling that something more sinister was at play. He vowed to protect Hana and uncover the truth behind the mysterious note and the attack. The night had been a close call, and he knew the danger was far from over.

The next morning, Tae arrived at the garden with a carefully wrapped bundle of her favorite snacks. His face was a mask of calm, but his eyes betrayed the depth of his concern. As he approached Hana, who was seated on the bench, she looked up with a mix of surprise and relief.

Tae: "Good morning, Hana. I thought you might like these." He placed the bundle on a small table beside her.

Hana: She smiled, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Thank you, Tae. You didn't have to."

Tae: "I wanted to. You've been through a lot. How are you holding up?" He took a seat across from her, watching her closely.

Hana: She began to unwrap the snacks, the comforting smell filling the room. "I'm better now. Last night was... frightening."

Tae: Noticing her reaction, he continued cautiously, "Do you know who attacked you last night?"

Hana POV: They recognized me as a Princess even though I was in normal clothes, which means they knew my true identity. I can't reveal this to Tae yet, as he isn't aware that I'm the Princess.

Hana: She hesitated before answering, her voice trembling slightly. "No, they only said that the young master wanted to bring me somewhere."

Tae: His gaze hardened slightly as he examined her wrists, still marked from the previous night. He gently took her hand, his fingers brushing against the bruised skin.

Hana: She pulled her hand away, hiding it behind her back. "It's nothing. Just a minor injury."

Tae: "This doesn't look like a small to me." "He reached out and cupped her face gently, leaning in to press a soft kiss to her forehead. "Hana, please don't hide anything from me."

They remained silent for a while.

Tae POV: Hana had yet to reveal her true identity, and I didn't want to scare her away by directly telling her about rumors. Instead, I decided to ask indirectly.

Tae: Hana!! Some strange rumors are going around. Have you ever seen Princess Na-Rae?"

To be continued!!!!!

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