Chapter 70: Into His Family's Heart

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Mi-Rae stepped out of her room wearing the stunning baby pink dress, her heart racing with a mix of excitement and anticipation. She called out softly, "Kook..."

Jungkook, who was distracted on his phone, immediately lifted his head, and his breath caught when he saw her. She looked radiant, the soft pink of the dress complementing her perfectly. He couldn't take his eyes away.

Mi-Rae walked over to him, closing the distance between them. "Kookkk..." she repeated, a teasing smile on her lips.

Jungkook: stood up and pulled her close, his eyes locking onto hers with that familiar intensity. "Babe, do you even realize how beautiful and sexy you are?"

Mi-Rae blushed, her cheeks turning a soft shade of pink to match her dress.

Jungkook: grinning. "I can't control myself around you."

Mi-Rae: playfully wrapping her arms around his neck, giving him a teasing grin. "Really? Are you sure about that?"

Jungkook: Chuckling, leaning in closer. "Even though we've had sex in every corner of this house, I still can't get enough of you."

Mi-Rae's cheeks deepened in colour at his words, and she playfully hit his chest. "Stop it, Kook! You're making me blush."

Jungkook: smirking, his hands sliding down her waist. "I don't plan on stopping. Every day, you look more stunning, and every day, I want you more." He leaned in, his voice a low whisper. "In fact, I want to see what's behind this dress again."

Mi-Rae's eyes widened at his bold statement, and she blushed even harder. "Kook! You're impossible."

Jungkook: laughing softly, brushing his lips against her ear. "Maybe... I'll make you blush even more tonight after we get home."

Mi-Rae's heart raced, and she buried her face in his chest, half embarrassed, half thrilled by his teasing. "You always know how to get to me..."

Jungkook: grinning. "And I love every second of it." He kissed the top of her head, holding her close for a moment before pulling back slightly to look into her eyes. "But for now, we've got a night to enjoy. Ready to go, beautiful?"

Mi-Rae smiled up at him, her earlier blush still lingering. "I'm ready... but only if you behave yourself."

Jungkook: laughing, grabbing the keys. "No promises."

Jungkook gently intertwined his fingers with Mi-Rae's, pulling her closer as they walked towards the car. The warmth of his hand in hers made her heart flutter.

As they got into the car and he started driving, Mi-Rae turned to him, curiosity dancing in her eyes.

Mi-Rae: "Where are we going, Kook?"

Jungkook: glancing at her with a teasing smile. "Someone wants to meet you, babe."

Mi-Rae: raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Who? You're being so mysterious."

Jungkook: grinning as he kept his eyes on the road. "You'll see soon enough. Just trust me."

Mi-Rae bit her lip, a mix of excitement and nervousness building inside her. She couldn't figure out what Jungkook was planning, but knowing him, it was bound to be special. She leaned back into her seat, letting the anticipation take over as she watched the city lights blur past them.

Jungkook stood at the door with Mi-Rae, his hand gently holding hers. He rang the doorbell and flashed her a reassuring smile as they waited.

When the door swung open, Jungkook greeted the person on the other side.

Jungkook: "Hey, Mom."

His mother's face lit up the moment she saw them standing there. Without hesitation, she playfully nudged Jungkook aside.

Jungkook's Mom: "Move, Kookie!" she said with a wide smile.

She reached out and eagerly grabbed Mi-Rae's hands, her warmth undeniable.

Jungkook's Mom: "It's so nice to finally meet you, Mi-Rae! Come inside, don't be shy."

She guided Mi-Rae inside, chatting away with excitement, completely forgetting about Jungkook for a moment.

Jungkook: "Guess I'm invisible now."

His mom shot him a look but smiled.

Jungkook's Mom: "You've had enough of her to yourself, Kookie. Now it's my turn."

Mi-Rae laughed, feeling welcomed already as they stepped further into the house.
Mi-Rae smiled warmly, feeling the genuine affection in her words. Just then, the front door opened, and Jungkook's dad walked in with a wide grin.

Jungkook: "Hey, Dad!"

Jungkook's Dad: "Hey, my daughter!"

Surprised by his warmth, Mi-Rae quickly stood and bowed respectfully.

Jungkook's Dad: "Oh, no need to be so formal, Mi-Rae. You're going to be our daughter in the future, so feel comfortable around us."

Blushing, Mi-Rae nodded and sat back down, feeling more at ease. Jungkook's dad joined them on the couch, smiling at Mi-Rae as if she was already part of the family.

They began chatting effortlessly, with Jungkook's parents asking her about her father's health and life in general.

Jungkook's Dad: "How's your father doing now? We've been keeping him in our prayers."

Mi-Rae: "He's stable, thank you. It's been hard, but we're managing as a family."

Jungkook sat beside Mi-Rae, watching as his parents asked more questions. They were deeply engaged in conversation, almost forgetting he was even there.

Jungkook's Mom: "You know, Mi-Rae, your strength is truly admirable you are handling your dad situation so well. Jungkook's lucky to have you by his side."

Jungkook's Dad: "Absolutely. Mi-Rae, you've brought a light into our son's life. We can see how happy he is."

Jungkook shifted uncomfortably, realizing no one was addressing him. Even his dad, usually quick to pull him into the conversation, was now solely focused on Mi-Rae.

Jungkook: (muttering to himself) "Great, now even my own parents prefer talking to her over me."

He leaned back on the couch, pretending to sulk, though a small smile played on his lips as he watched Mi-Rae handle the attention so gracefully.

Eventually, his dad noticed Jungkook's playful pouting.

Jungkook's Dad: "What's with that face, Kookie? Feeling left out?"

Jungkook: (grinning) "A little! You two don't seem to care about me now that Mi-Rae's here."

Mi-Rae chuckled softly and nudged him.

Jungkook's Mom: "Well, you'll just have to get used to sharing the spotlight. Mi-Rae's part of this family now."

Jungkook smiled, his heart swelling with joy at how easily Mi-Rae fit into his world. He reached for her hand, squeezing it gently.

 He reached for her hand, squeezing it gently

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To be continued!!!!!

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