Chapter 50:A Date for Forgiveness

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The next day, Mi-Rae was in her lecture, listening to the professor, when the door suddenly opened, and in walked JK.

He was late, as usual, but what surprised her was that he sat right next to her.

Mi-Rae: (whispering) "You're not in this class."

Jungkook: (grinning) "I am now."

Throughout the lecture, JK kept nudging her with his elbow, leaning over to whisper things in her ear that had nothing to do with the subject matter.

He asked her if she wanted to go get lunch after, made jokes about the professor, and even doodled little hearts on the corner of her notebook.

Mi-Rae: (whispering) "Will you stop?"

Jungkook: "Can't help it. You're too distracting."

Mi-Rae rolled her eyes but couldn't help but smile. He had this way of making even the most boring moments fun.

A couple of days later, Mi-Rae was in the library, sitting at one of the quiet desks in the back. She was deep in her studies when she felt someone slide into the chair next to her.

Jungkook: (in a whisper) "Hey."

Mi-Rae didn't look up, determined to ignore him.

Jungkook: "Babe, I'm bored. Let's do something fun."

Mi-Rae: (whispering back) "I'm busy, JK. Go away."

Jungkook: (leaning closer) "I'll go if you give me your number."

Mi-Rae: (sighing) "You already have it."

Jungkook: "Then give me a reason to call you."

She looked up at him, her brow furrowed. But the playful smile on his face was contagious, and she couldn't help but smirk.

Mi-Rae: "You're ridiculous."

Jungkook: "And you're starting to fall for me. Admit it."

Mi-Rae shook her head, returning to her book. But JK didn't let up, gently tapping her shoulder every few minutes, asking random questions just to keep her attention.

Jungkook: "What's your favourite colour?"

Mi-Rae: "JK..."

Jungkook: "Favourite movie?"

Mi-Rae: (exasperated) "I'm studying!"

Jungkook: (grinning) "Fine. What time should I pick you up for our date?"

Mi-Rae shook her head but was clearly amused. She closed her book with a dramatic sigh.

Mi-Rae: "Fine. We'll go for coffee, but only as a truce for slap."

JK's eyes sparkled with excitement.

Jungkook: "Deal! But it's my treat, and I promise to make it special."

Later that evening, JK showed up on his bike. Mi-Rae was slightly apprehensive but excited. As they sped away from the city, she held on tightly, laughing as JK navigated through the streets with a playful grin.

Mi-Rae: "Where are we going?"

Jungkook: "You'll see. It's a secret."

They drove further and further from the bustling city, the buildings thinning out, replaced by trees, and open skies.

Mi-Rae glanced up, noticing the stars slowly coming into view as the city lights dimmed behind them.After about 20 minutes, they pulled into a small, quaint coffee shop nestled at the edge of a hillside, far from the noise of the city.

The warm glow from inside the shop was inviting, the scent of freshly brewed coffee drifting out as they stepped inside.

Jungkook: "I told you it was worth the ride, didn't I?"

He grinned as he held the door open for her.

Mi-Rae glanced around, impressed. The shop had a cosy, rustic charm, with wooden beams and bookshelves lining the walls.

A few patrons sat quietly sipping their drinks, lost in conversation or their own thoughts.

Mi-Rae: "Okay, this is nice. I'll give you that."

Jungkook: "Just wait till you taste the coffee. Best in the city—or, well, just outside the city."

He winked, leading her to a table near the window. They both ordered, JK insisting on treating her as promised.

Mi-Rae: "Do you come here often?"

Jungkook: "Only when I need to clear my head. This place... it's peaceful. I figured you might like it."

After they finished, JK stood up suddenly, holding out his hand.

Jungkook: "Come on. I've got one more surprise."

Mi-Rae: "Another one? This better not be some kind of prank."

Jungkook: "You've got to trust me a little by now."

Reluctantly, she took his hand, and they stepped outside. He led her up a narrow path behind the coffee shop, winding through the trees until they emerged on a small cliff overlooking the entire city below.

The view was breathtaking—the lights twinkling in the distance, and above them, the stars shone brightly, unfiltered by the city's glow.

Mi-Rae: "Wow... I didn't know a place like this existed."

Jungkook: "Most people don't. It's kind of my secret spot."

They stood side by side, taking in the view. Mi-Rae felt a rare sense of calm around JK, a contrast to his usual teasing energy.

He turned toward her, gently taking her hand, his fingers playing softly with hers.

He turned toward her, gently taking her hand, his fingers playing softly with hers

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To be continued!!!!!

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