Chapter 22: Blissful Wishes Under the Curious Calendar

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Tae: "Absolutely. Let me show you more around the house." He led her to various objects, explaining each one with patience and amusement.

Tae: "This is a microwave. It heats up food quickly using electricity." He pressed a button and the microwave hummed to life, making Hana's eyes widen.

Hana: "It's like a magic box!"

Tae: Smiling at her amazement, he continued to show her around. They moved to the living room where he pointed out a calendar on the table.

"Look, this shows the date and the month. Today is..." His voice trailed off as he realized the date. "Aug 8th? But that...

"Tae ran to his bedroom, grabbing his phone. confused-"It's just a day later. But it felt like I was gone for many days."

Hana: Following him with curiosity, she watched as he dashed to his bedroom, grabbing a small device. "What is that small box? Why are you so shocked, Tae?"

Tae: "It's a phone. It helps me communicate and keep track of time. You'll get used to it." 

Hana: She squinted at the phone, trying to understand. "And why are you shocked?"

Tae: "It's just a day later that I was gone. But it felt like I was gone for many days."

"Hana was about to say something but her stomach started growling."

Tae noticed and chuckled. "Looks like my little minion is hungry."

Hana: She smiled, holding her stomach. "I am a bit hungry."

Tae taking her hand guided her back to the kitchen. He set up the dining table with the food he'd found in the fridge. Hana looked at the fridge with wide eyes.

Hana: "What is this? It's so cold when you open it."

Tae: He grinned, taking out a few items. "This is a refrigerator. It keeps food cold so it stays fresh and doesn't spoil. Here, let me show you." He pulled out an ice cube and placed it gently on her cheek.

Hana: She jumped back, laughing, "It's too cold, Tae!"

Tae: He laughed too, enjoying her reaction. "That's called an ice cube. It's just frozen water."

Hana: Giggling, she took the ice cube and held it up, "Snow block!"

Tae: "No, no, it's an ice cube, minion," he teased, chuckling at her playful language.

Just then, Tae's phone rang. He glanced at the caller ID and saw it was one of his college friends.

Tae: "Hey, what's up?"

"Hana looking around confusingly and she is searching for a person to whom Tae is talking."

Friend: "Hey Tae, are you coming back to college soon? You've got a few classes to attend, and we've got a group project due."

Tae: "I'll be there the day after tomorrow. Just need to sort a few things out here."

Friend: "Alright, see you then."

Hana: "You were talking to someone? How? I didn't see anyone else!"

Tae: Smiling, he held up the phone. "This device allows me to talk to people who are far away. I will buy you one."

Hana: "That's incredible! So, your friend was on the other side of that box?"

Tae: "Yes, exactly. It's amazing, isn't it?"

Hana: "Very much so. Can I try it?"

Tae: "Sure, let me show you later. For now, let's get something to eat."

"They both started eating."

Hana: "This food is amazing, Tae. Your grandmother is a wonderful cook."

Tae: "I'm glad you like it. She always makes the best meals."

They savored the homemade food, chatting and laughing as Hana shared stories from her time, and Tae shared more about his life in the present. 

After they finished their dinner, Tae showed Hana the bathroom and handed her some clothes—a simple T-shirt and shorts.

Tae: "Here, you can take a shower and change into these. I know it's different from what you're used to, but I'll help you."

Hana looked at the clothes, puzzled.

Hana: "Tae, I don't know how to wear these. Can you show me?"

Tae nodded and took a deep breath.

Tae: "Sure, Hana. It's pretty simple. Let me guide you."

He took the T-shirt and shorts, showing her step by-step how to put them on.

Tae: "First, you take off your current clothes. Then, you put this T-shirt over your head and pull it down." He demonstrated by miming the action. "And for the shorts, you step into them one leg at a time and then pull them up."

Hana watched carefully, then took the clothes and disappeared into the bathroom. A few minutes later, she emerged, still looking a bit uncertain in the modern attire.

Hana: "Is this right, Tae?"

Tae smiled reassuringly.

Tae: "Yes, Hana. You look great. It's different from what you're used to, but you'll get comfortable in no time."

Hana smiled back, feeling a bit more confident.

Tae: "We'll get you some new clothes and a phone tomorrow. For now, let's relax."

They settled on the couch, snuggling under a warm blanket as Tae put on a movie. Hana watched with wide eyes, fascinated by the moving images and the sounds coming from the screen. As the movie progressed, Hana's eyelids grew heavy, and she eventually fell asleep leaning against Tae.

Tae looked down at her, feeling a mix of emotions. He gently brushed a strand of hair from her face, whispering to himself.

Tae: "I never thought I'd fall in love with a girl from a painting at first sight. And now, she's here with me. It all feels like a dream I never want to wake up from."

Hana's head started to slip, and he gently adjusted her by holding her chin. She moved slightly, snuggling closer to him. Tae's heart skipped a beat, and he placed a hand over his chest, feeling the rapid thumping.

Tae: "How can you sleep so peacefully minion while making it so hard for me to control myself?"

He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, smiling shyly as he did so.

Tae: "Goodnight, my minion."

He whispered, his voice barely audible. He continued to watch her sleep, mesmerized by her beauty and the peaceful expression on her face. Eventually, Tae closed his eyes, the warmth of Hana's presence lulling him into a deep, contented sleep.

 Eventually, Tae closed his eyes, the warmth of Hana's presence lulling him into a deep, contented sleep

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To be continued!!!!!

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