Chapter 46: Modern Minds, Ancient Lands

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How is the twist? there are more twists in upcoming chapter, Please vote and comment. I want to know how is my story.


Youngman: (confused) "Jimin, why are you acting like you don't know me? It's me, Kookie-Jungkook!"

Jimin took a step back, still trying to wrap his head around the situation.

Jimin: "Kookie? Jungkook? I don't know anyone by that name."

Tae stepped in, pulling Jungkook away once more.

Tae:"Listen, Kookie-or whatever you want to be called-he's not your friend, and Na-Rae isn't your girlfriend."

Then, Tae turned to Jimin, his expression serious.

Tae: "You said you saw me last night? How is that possible? I was gone for almost ten days. None of this makes sense."

Jimin: (incredulous) "So, you're telling me you've been gone for ten days? And now you're all here in my room, with this... guys? seriously who are these people, Tae?"

Tae:(gesturing to Minho) "He's Minho, my friend. And," (pointing to Jungkook) "this guy is... well, he's not important."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, but before he could retort, Tae turned back to Jimin, his mind still racing with thoughts of Princess Na-Rae and the mysterious events that had brought them all together.

As the conversation continued, the tension in the room began to ease, with Jimin still trying to grasp what was happening. Tae and Minho exchanged a glance, silently agreeing it was time to focus on what they needed to do next.

Tae: "We don't know how, but time doesn't seem to work the same way here as it does in our world. But that's not our biggest problem right now."

Minho: (seriously) "We need to figure out how we're going to survive here. We can't just blend in without a plan."

JK: (frustrated) "Survive? What do you mean? I don't know anything about living in the past!I'm just a businessman!"

Tae couldn't help but smirk at JK's outburst.

Tae: (teasing) "A businessman, huh? So, what are you going to do? Negotiate with the enemy? Offer them a deal they can't refuse?"

Jungkook: (rolling his eyes) "Very funny, Tae. You know, business skills might come in handy. Maybe I can talk my way out of trouble if we ever get caught."

Tae: (laughing) "Oh, I'm sure you'll charm your way through, Kookie. Maybe you can convince the court to invest in some future enterprises-like a nice coffee shop or something."

Jungkook: (smirking) "Keep laughing, but when you're all exhausted from fighting, I'll be the one who's rested because I avoided the battle altogether."

Minho: (joining in the fun) "Just make sure you don't get caught counting money when you should be defending the palace, JK."

Jungkook: (grinning) "Hey, at least I'll be rich in this world too. But seriously, I'll figure something out. Maybe I'll handle the logistics or work behind the scenes."

Tae: (clapping him on the back) "We'll find a place for you, don't worry. And who knows, maybe you'll surprise us with some hidden talent."

Minho: "Well, Tae and I actually have some skills that could help us blend in. I've studied armour and shields for an archaeology project. It's part of my degree, so I know a bit about how things work around here. I even took up fencing as a hobby, and I've gotten pretty good."

Tae: (grinning) "Yeah, Minho's got some serious skills with a sword. As for me, I've been working on a project related to bows and arrows, so I've picked up archery. It was just supposed to be for school, but I got really into it, thats how I got position as guard and Jimin helped me to learn swordmanship."

JK: (genuinely curious) "Wait, you both learned this stuff in 2024? Why?"

Tae: (laughing) "We're archaeology students, remember? It started as part of our projects, but we ended up enjoying it so much that we kept going. It's kind of our thing now."

Jungkook: (sighing) "Lucky you guys. I don't know anything about swords or shields."

Jungkook: (smirking) "Just don't expect me to pick up a sword anytime soon. I'm more comfortable making deals than swinging blades."

Tae: (laughing) "Fair enough, Kookie. But remember, in this world, survival isn't just about fighting. We all have our roles to play."

Jimin: (thoughtful) "You know, just because you're not a fighter doesn't mean you're useless, Jungkook. You're good with people, right? And you know how to handle money, negotiations, that sort of thing?"

JK: (nodding slowly) "Yeah, I guess I do. But how's that going to help here?"

Tae: (smirking again) "Well, there's always a need for someone who can handle the finances and logistics, even in the Joseon Dynasty. If we're going to survive, we'll need supplies, contacts, and a way to manage our resources. That's where you come in."

Minho: (encouraging) "And it's not like you can't learn new skills. We'll teach you what we know. Who knows? Maybe you'll discover you have a talent for something you never even considered."

JK looked between them, his initial frustration giving way to determination.

JK: (resolute) "Alright, fine. I'll do what I can. But I'm telling you now, if this doesn't work out, you're all going to owe me big time when we get back."

Tae: (chuckling) "Deal. Now let's figure out our next steps."

Minho: (nodding) "First, we need to get properly outfitted. Tae, do you think your friend can help us with that?"

Tae: "Yeah, Jimin can get us some basic gear and clothes that'll help us blend in better. We'll need to keep a low profile, especially since we don't know who might be after Na-Rae or us."

Jimin: (seriously) "I can get what you need, but we'll have to be careful. The less attention we draw, the better. And Jungkook, don't worry-we'll find a way for you to contribute."

JK gave a small smile, feeling slightly reassured by Jimin's words.

JK: (nodding) "Alright, let's do this."

To be continued!!!!!

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To be continued!!!!!

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