Chapter 62: Will he choose to stay? Or Walk away ?

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Just as they were lost in their intimate moment, Jimin and Yae-Jin burst through the crowd, their faces alight with excitement and mischief.

Jimin: "Whoa! Did the game just turn into a rom-com? Look at you two!"

Yae-Jin: laughing, held up her phone proudly "I can't believe it! And I've recorded everything on my phone. This is pure gold!"

Mi-Rae's eyes widened in panic as she darted out from behind Jungkook's back.

Mi-Rae: "Yae-Jin! Delete that video right now!"

Her face flushed with embarrassment.Yae-Jin just giggled, raising her phone higher out of Mi-Rae's reach.

Yae-Jin: "No way! This is classic! You'll thank me later, I swear!"

Mi-Rae lunged playfully, trying to snatch the phone, but Jungkook intervened, pulling Mi-Rae back by her waist, laughing.

Jungkook: "Hold on, babe!"

He turned to Yae-Jin, still chuckling, and with a glint in his eye.

Jungkook: "Send that video to me. I want to keep it forever."

Mi-Rae gasped, lightly swatting Jungkook's chest.

Mi-Rae: "Kookie! You're supposed to be on my side!"

Jungkook, still grinning, kissed the top of her head.

Jungkook: "I am, babe. But this is our moment. And I want to keep it, every second of it."

Yae-Jin, laughing, started typing on her phone.

Yae-Jin: "Don't worry, Mi-Rae, it's going straight to Jungkook's phone. He'll treasure this forever."

Mi-Rae pouted for a moment, then melted as she looked at Jungkook, who gave her a reassuring smile.

Jimin: "Alright, enough teasing. How about we all celebrate? Drinks? Food? Let's hit up that fancy rooftop bar downtown. What do you say?"

As the evening grew darker, the group arrived at the rooftop bar's private room. Jimin, his girlfriend Yuna, and Yae-Jin with her boyfriend Joon joined Jungkook and Mi-Rae.

Jungkook, Mi-Rae, Jimin, and Yuna were soon joined by Yae-Jin and her boyfriend Joon at the luxurious rooftop bar. The private room they booked was stylish with plush seating, a panoramic view of the city, and an intimate atmosphere perfect for a night of celebration.

Jimin, grinning and raising a glass: "To victories! Both on the court and off." He winked at Jungkook and Mi-Rae, causing Mi-Rae to blush.

Yuna: teasing"Yes, especially to Jungkook's victory with Mi-Rae. Took you long enough, dude."

Jungkook: smiling, pulled Mi-Rae closer by the waist"Good things take time, right?"

Yae-Jin: laughing "Oh, we've been waiting for this. Seriously, your love story had us on the edge of our seats for months."

Joon: chiming in"It's about time you two made it official. Watching you guys was like watching a slow-burn romance."

Mi-Rae: blushing even more "Alright, alright, enough with the teasing! It wasn't that slow."

Jimin:  laughing "Says the girl who didn't realize she also had a crush on Kookie for the longest time."

Jungkook: shaking his head with a smile "I didn't mind the wait. I knew she was worth it."

Yuna: playful "And now here we are, celebrating! But really, how did it feel finally kissing in front of everyone?"

Mi-Rae: covering her face "Embarrassing! The whole crowd was watching."

Jungkook: laughing "It felt amazing. I've been waiting to do that for a long time."

The group continued to chat and laugh as drinks were poured and food was served.

After a while, as the conversation became more intimate, Jungkook leaned over to Mi-Rae and whispered in her ear.

Jungkook: softly "Wanna step out for some fresh air? I could use a moment alone with you."

Mi-Rae: smiling "Let's go."

They slipped away from the group and stepped out onto the balcony. The cool night air was refreshing, and the city lights below sparkled like stars. Jungkook led Mi-Rae to the edge of the balcony, where they could take in the breathtaking view.

Jungkook: wrapping his arms around her from behind "I've been wanting a quiet moment with you."

Mi-Rae:  leaning back into him "This has been perfect, Kookie. I'm so happy."

Jungkook: softly "You make me happy, babe. Winning the game was great, but nothing beats this. Just being with you."

He kissed her forehead gently, and Mi-Rae felt her heart swell with love. They stood there in comfortable silence for a few moments, just enjoying each other's presence and the view.

Mi-Rae:  turning to face himher voice trembling slightly "I need to tell you something. It's... it's important. But you might not want to stay with me after you hear it."

Jungkook:  face clouded with concern. "Why would you say that?

 "Why would you say that?

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To be continued!!!!!

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