Chapter 25: Jealous Hearts, Silent Minds

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Hana's mind wandered back to the interactions she had witnessed earlier. Meanwhile, Eunji leaned closer to Tae, whispering things that made him smile and laugh quietly. She was very aware of Hana's presence and seemed determined to keep Tae's attention on her.

Minho, sensing that Hana was struggling with something, took advantage of the situation to engage her in conversation.

Minho: "You know, Hana, you're probably the most beautiful girl I've seen around here in a long time," Minho said, his voice low and smooth. "How is it that Tae's been hiding you from us all this time?"

Hana tried to brush off his words at first, but as she kept glancing over at Tae and Eunji, the jealousy bubbled up inside her. Minho's flirtatious attention was a welcome distraction from the uncomfortable feelings she was experiencing.

Minho continued to make silly jokes, and despite herself, Hana found herself laughing along with him. Tae noticed how Minho was interacting with Hana and felt a twinge of irritation. He didn't like the way Minho was looking at her or how she seemed to be responding to his advances. But Tae kept his feelings in check, not wanting to cause any tension.

Eunji, on the other hand, was not oblivious to what was happening. She noticed how Tae looking at Hana. A surge of jealousy hit her-she had never seen Tae so close to another girl before, and it made her uncomfortable. Eunji wasn't used to sharing Tae's attention, and now, with this new girl in the picture, she felt an unfamiliar sense of rivalry.

Throughout the class, Eunji made sure to keep Tae's focus on her, sitting a little closer, whispering a little more, trying to assert her place beside him. She wanted Hana to know that Tae was hers, even if she hadn't said it outright.

After class, as they walked out together, Hana was quieter than usual, lost in her thoughts. Tae noticed her silence and gently pulled her aside.

Tae: "Hey, Hana, are you okay? You've been quiet."

Hana forced a smile, trying to mask her feelings.

Hana: "I'm fine. Just... adjusting to everything."

Tae nodded, but he could tell there was something more. However, he didn't want to push her, so he let it go for now.

The day had been long and full of new experiences for Hana, who was still adjusting to life in this new world. Tae, on the other hand, couldn't shake the unease that had settled in his chest ever since Minho started paying attention to Hana.

As they ate in silence, Hana's phone buzzed on the table. Tae glanced at it and saw a notification pop up: a message from Minho. His jaw clenched involuntarily, the sight of Minho's name igniting a flicker of jealousy. The message read: Had your dinner, beautiful?

Hana noticed the message and picked up her phone, turning to Tae with a curious expression.

Hana: "Tae, how do I text back?"

Tae: His expression hardened slightly, but he tried to keep his voice neutral as he asked, "When did you give Minho your number?"

Hana: blinked, confused by the sudden change in his tone. "I didn't. He took my phone and saved his number earlier."

Tae's grip on his fork tightened, but he didn't say anything further. He showed her how to text and He watched as Hana typed out a response, a small smile playing on her lips as she concentrated on the screen.

Meanwhile, Minho was lying in bed, waiting eagerly for Hana's reply. For the first time in his life, he found himself genuinely thinking about a girl. He had flirted with plenty of girls before, but there was something different about Hana. She was innocent, mysterious, and somehow captivating in a way no one else had been. He had to admit it to himself-he was falling for her.

When his phone buzzed with a message, he quickly opened it to see Hana's reply: I just had dinner.

A grin spread across Minho's face as he read the message, feeling a warmth in his chest that he hadn't experienced before.

Back at Tae's apartment, Hana continued to smile as she continued to chat with Minho, unaware of the storm brewing inside Tae. Unable to bear it any longer, Tae pushed his plate away, leaving his food half-eaten.

Tae: "I'm done eating," he muttered, standing up abruptly.

Hana: looked up, startled by his sudden departure. She was about to ask if something was wrong, but Tae had already left the dining table. Confused and a little hurt, she watched as he disappeared into his room.

After a moment, Hana sighed and got up to clear the table. She washed the dishes, cleaned up the kitchen, and then retreated to her bedroom, her mind swirling with thoughts of Tae's strange behavior.

The next morning, the atmosphere was tense as,

Tae: Spoke up, his voice flat. "We'll eat in the cafeteria today. No need to cook."

Hana: nodded, feeling a pang of sadness at the coldness in his tone.

Tae and Hana drove to college. The usual playful banter between them was replaced by an uncomfortable silence. Tae kept his eyes on the road, while Hana glanced at him occasionally, trying to figure out what was wrong.

As they entered the college, they directly went to class and sat next to each other. Moments later, Minho arrived, sitting next to Tae with a cheerful grin.

Eunji appeared shortly after, her usual confident smile in place. She walked straight up to Hana.

Eunji: "Hana, why don't you sit next to Minho? I want to sit with Tae."

Hana hesitated, glancing at Tae for some kind of reaction, but he didn't say anything. With a small, forced smile, Hana moved to sit next to Minho.

Minho, ever the charmer, immediately pulled out a small box of chocolates from his bag and handed it to Hana.

Minho: "Here, Hana. These are for you."

Hana: her eyes lit up at the sight of the chocolates. She took a bite and smiled brightly at Minho. "Thank you, Minho! How did you know I like chocolates?"

Minho: Winked, leaning in slightly. "Just a lucky guess. But I'll tell you what-I don't want any thanks. How about you come with me somewhere instead?"

Hana: tilted her head curiously. "Where?"

To be continued

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To be continued...

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