Chapter 63:A Family's Betrayal

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She took a deep breath, her eyes scanning the dark cityscape below.

Mi-Rae: "You know about the blue car that's been following me? The one you've seen a few times?"

Jungkook: nodded, his brow furrowing. "Yeah, what's up with that?"

hands trembled as she spoke. "The person in that car is my uncle. He's been keeping tabs on me for a long time, and it's not just checking in. He's after something."

Jungkook: expression hardened. "What could he want from you?"

Mi-Rae: Hesitated, her voice dropping to a whisper. "He... needs my blood."

Jungkook:  blinked, completely thrown off. "Your blood? What the hell for?"

swallowed hard, the tension thickening between them. "He's after a stone. Something my family has been protecting for generations. It's not just any stone—there's something dark and powerful about it."

Jungkook:  eyes widened, his confusion growing. "A stone? What kind of stone are we talking about?"

Mi-Rae:  leaned on the balcony railing, her voice trembling. "I don't fully understand it either, but my uncle believes it holds the power to change everything.
He's obsessed with it, and he thinks that with my blood, he can unlock whatever the stone hides."

Jungkook was stunned into silence for a moment, trying to make sense of everything. "And your father? What does he have to do with this?"

Mi-Rae's eyes welled up with tears, her voice barely holding steady. "My father was the one who was supposed to protect it . He kept the stone's location hidden, but my uncle... he did something terrible to him."


anger flared. "What did he do?"

Mi-Rae:  voice quivered. "He poisoned my dad. It wasn't just any poison—it was something that paralyzed him. My dad can't move, he can't talk, but he's still aware of everything. My uncle did it to keep him out of the way while he searches for the stone."

Jungkook's grip tightened on the balcony railing, his knuckles white with fury.

Jungkook:  "So your uncle's been using you, manipulating you for your blood, all while your father is trapped in his own body?"

Mi-Rae: Nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. Im starting he told me the blood tests were to help my father, to find a cure, but I overheard him once.

He doesn't care about my dad. He just wants the map—a map that supposedly leads to the stone. The blood is just a tool to get what he wants."

Jungkook's mind raced, piecing together the dark reality Mi-Rae had been living in.

Jungkook: "And the stone... you said it's powerful. What does it do?"

Mi-Rae's eyes flickered with fear.

"I don't know exactly, but it's dangerous. My dad always warned me that people would go to great lengths to find it.

He said it could change the balance of everything—life, death, power. My uncle is obsessed with it, and I'm terrified of what he'll do if he finds it."

She paused, her voice cracking.

"I didn't want to involve you, and I respect your decision. Please, think about it carefully. I don't know how long I'll be safe. He might even kill me for the stone."

Tears brimmed in her eyes as she took a shaky breath. "But I love you, Kookie. That's why I stayed away for so long. I was trying to protect you. I couldn't stop thinking about you, couldn't stop loving you. You made me smile when I had no reason to, made me feel safe and happy I thought I'd lost. But this... this is something I can't drag you into."

Her voice softened, filled with sorrow. "I'll go. You need to think about this—about us. I don't want to pull you into danger."

Mi-Rae turned to leave, her tears quietly spilling down her cheeks, but before she could take another step, Jungkook grabbed her hand and pulled her back into his arms. His embrace was firm, protective, and full of unspoken emotion.

He held her tightly, pressing his forehead against hers, his voice husky with determination.

Jungkook: "You think I'm going to let you face this alone? I don't care about the danger. I care about you. I'm not letting you go. Not now. Not ever."

Mi-Rae looked up at him, her heart pounding as the intensity of his words sank in.

Mi-Rae:  "But Kookie... this could ruin everything. I don't want you to get hurt."

Jungkook:  shook his head, his grip on her tightening. "I'd rather face whatever comes with you by my side than lose you. We'll figure this out together. Whatever your uncle is after, whatever secrets there are, we'll stop him. You're not in this alone anymore."

Mi-Rae: tears flowed freely now, her heart overwhelmed by both fear and love. "I... I don't deserve you."

Jungkook:  cupped her face in his hands, his gaze steady and unwavering. "You deserve everything. And I'm not going anywhere."

Mi-Rae's heart swelled with emotion, and she gently pecked his lips.

Mi-Rae's heart swelled with emotion, and she gently pecked his lips

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To be continued!!!!!

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