Chapter 19: The Unexpected Peck

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Hana: The question caught her off guard, and she paused, her hands trembling slightly. "No, I haven't. Why do you ask?"

Tae: "There are whispers among the guards that Princess Na-Rae has been seen outside the palace in normal clothes. It's causing quite a stir."

Hana: She tried to mask her surprise. "Really? I hadn't heard anything about that."

Hana: "Tae, there's something I need to tell you."

Before she could continue, Jimin appeared looking urgent.

Jimin: "Tae, Yi is looking for you. He needs to discuss something important."

Tae: He glanced back at Hana, his expression conflicted. "I'll meet with you later, Hana. Please be careful on your way back."

Hana: She nodded, her heart sinking as Tae turned and left with Jimin. The weight of what she had to reveal felt heavier than ever.

In her chambers, Hana paced restlessly. Soojin entered, noticing Hana's distressed state.

Soojin: "Princess, is everything alright?"

Hana: She stopped, her face set with determination. "Soojin, I've decided I need to tell Tae the truth about who I am. I can't keep this secret any longer."

Soojin: Her eyes widened in concern. "Princess, are you sure about this?

Hana: "I need Tae to know who I am and how much I love him."

Soojin: She nodded, though her worry was evident. "If this is your decision, Princess, I will support you. But please, be cautious."

Hana: "Nodded,  I'll talk to Tae as soon as he returns." 

The next day, Tae arrived at their meeting spot, a serene garden surrounded by vibrant blooms. He spotted Hana approaching and couldn't help but smile.

Tae's POV: I know Hana's been itching to tell me something important. She probably planned to reveal her true identity today. But I'm not ready for that yet. I want to enjoy this moment with her and keep the mood light.

Tae: Grinned as she approached, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Well, if it isn't the most charming maid in the palace. How are you today, Hana?"

Hana: A bit flustered, she tried to maintain her composure. "I'm well, Tae. I was hoping to talk to you about something important."

Tae: Smiling playfully, he leaned closer, his voice dropping to a teasing whisper. "Oh? Important, you say? You've piqued my curiosity. Tell me, what could be more important than spending time with me?"

Hana: Her cheeks flushed slightly, and she hesitated. "It's about—"

Tae: Before she could finish, he interrupted with a charming grin. "Before you say anything serious, let me just say how lovely you look today. I've missed seeing that smile of yours."

He leaned in and gave her a quick, light peck on the cheek. Hana's eyes widened in surprise.

Hana: Startled, she took a step back. "Tae! What was that for?"

Tae: Looking slightly abashed, he raised his hands in a playful gesture. "Oh! I'm sorry, Hana. I should have asked for your permission first. I just couldn't help myself."

Hana: Her heart raced, both from the surprise and from the affectionate gesture. She managed a shy smile. "It's... it's okay. I wasn't expecting it, but..."

Tae: Leaning closer, he asked playfully, "So, is it okay?" He started teasing, a mischievous grin on his face.

Hana: Her cheeks turned a deep shade of red, and she ran away shyly, giggling softly.

Back in her chambers, Hana couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. Her mind raced with thoughts of Tae, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and anxiety. That night, as the rain began to pour, she made a decision. Despite the heavy rain and thunderstorms, she sneaked out of the palace and made her way to Tae's home.

As she arrived, drenched from the rain, she opened the door to find Tae changing his clothes, shirtless. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of him.

Tae: Rushing to her, he pulled her inside and quickly closed the door. "Hana! Why are you here at this time?"

Hana: Her eyes wide, she turned away, covering her face with her palms. "I wanted to talk to you, but... put your shirt on first!"

Tae: Chuckling, he teased, "Why? Do I make you nervous?" He began to approach her playfully, just as Jimin entered the room.

Someone opened the door, pushing Hana forward. Her hands landed on Tae's bare chest, and they both froze, the air thick with tension.

To be continued!!!!!

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