Chapter 77: The Punch of Jealousy

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It was a picture of his dead bodyguard, the same man he had trusted to keep Mi-Rae safe. Blood stained the ground beneath the man's lifeless body, and Jungkook's heart sank.

Panicking, he tried calling Mi-Rae's uncle, but every attempt went straight to voicemail.


Jungkook's voice cracked as he continued, "I got that picture, and my world collapsed. I rushed out, trying to find her, but... then I saw Na-Rae with Minho at the auction. I thought he send Mi-rae."

His eyes clouded with regret. "But then everything went wrong. You know what happened after that..."

Flashback ends.

The room was silent for a moment as Jungkook's friends took in his words.

Jimin spoke up, determination in his voice. "We'll get her back, Jungkook. Whatever it takes."

Minho added, "We'll find out where her uncle has taken her. We just need to be smart about this."

Taehyung nodded, his jaw clenched. "We won't stop until we do."

Jimin, noticing the frustration mounting on Jungkook's face, stepped forward. "We stick to the plan. As much as we want answers, She's in the future, and you 3  stuck here in the Joseon Dynasty. Our focus has to be on finding Mi-Rae,who is trying to kill Na-Rae and how you guys are time travelling."

Minho nodded in agreement. "We can't lose track of our mission. We have to get into the palace. We'll gather information from there and figure out what Mi-Rae's uncle is up to. Maybe there's a way we can find her from inside."

Jungkook clenched his fists, torn between his desperate search for Mi-Rae. "You're right," he said, his voice low but filled with resolve. "We need to follow through with the plan."

Jimin continued, laying out their strategy. "Me, Minho, and Taehyung will disguise ourselves as palace guards. We'll get you in, Jungkook, but once you're inside, you'll have to find a way to stay in the palace. We can only cover for you for so long."

Everyone nodded in agreement, knowing the gravity of the situation.

Yuna, who had been quietly observing from the corner, approached Jungkook and gently placed a hand on his arm. "Don't worry, Oppa. We will find her. She'll be fine, and maybe she's waiting for you, wherever she is."

Jungkook managed a weak smile, ruffling Yuna's hair affectionately. "Thank you, Yuna," he whispered.

But deep down, uncertainty gnawed at him. With Mi-Rae lost somewhere in time.

The wind howled around them as they prepared to carry out their plan. Jungkook, disguised in common clothes, watched from the shadows as Jimin, Minho, and Taehyung infiltrated the palace as guards. Everything depended on getting in and finding answers.

Jungkook's mind kept racing back to Mi-Rae's disappearance and the haunting image of his dead bodyguard.

"I won't stop," Jungkook muttered to himself, "I'll find her, no matter what."

Na-Rae stepped out of the palace, her expression a mix of relief and concern. Tae rushed to her side, gripping her hand tightly.

"Is everything okay?" Tae asked, searching her eyes for any hint of distress.

"Yes," Na-Rae replied, forcing a smile, though it didn't reach her eyes.

Minho, watching from a distance, clenched his fists. "Don't you dare, Tae..." he muttered under his breath, unable to shake off the jealousy stirring within him.

"I will..." Tae shot back defiantly, still focused on Na-Rae.

Na-Rae looked between them, confusion etched on her face. "What's wrong with you two?"

"Nothing," Minho gritted his teeth, his frustration bubbling to the surface.

Tae, sensing the tension, took Na-Rae's wrist gently. "Let's go, Minion. I need to talk with you." He began to pull her away, leaving Minho to watch helplessly.

Minho felt a pang in his heart as they walked away. Jimin, noticing his friend's distress, placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "They both love each other but haven't told their feelings yet," he said quietly.

Minho's frustration boiled over. Anger and sadness mixed, and before he knew it, he was following after Tae and Na-Rae.

As Tae and Na-Rae talked, Minho approached from behind, his emotions clouding his judgment. He put a hand on Tae's shoulder, and when Tae turned around, Minho didn't hesitate—he threw a punch that landed squarely on Tae's face.

Na-Rae gasped in shock. "Minho! What was that for? Why did you hit him?" She stepped forward, her eyes wide with disbelief.

Tae retaliated immediately, throwing a punch back at Minho. The two friends found themselves caught in a whirlwind of frustration and pent-up feelings, fists flying as Na-Rae desperately tried to intervene.

"Stop it!" she shouted, but her voice was drowned out by the sound of fists connecting with flesh.

Eventually, both Minho and Tae collapsed to the ground beside each other, breathing heavily. Minho, anger boiling over, hovered above Tae, ready to strike again.

"I hate that she's crying for you and not for me," Minho spat, the words laced with pain before he turned and stormed away, leaving them alone.

Tae lay there, feeling the weight of Minho's words. He watched as tears streamed down Na-Rae's face, her distress evident.

"Hey, I'm okay, Minion," Tae said with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood despite the throbbing pain in his lip.

Na-Rae shook her head vehemently, wiping her tears. "No, you're not! Your face is bleeding!" She reached out, trying to clean the cut tenderly with a handkerchief.

 "No, you're not! Your face is bleeding!" She reached out, trying to clean the cut tenderly with a handkerchief

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To be continued!!!!!

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