Chapter 33 :Holding Her Close

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**Author's Note:** 

Hey Army!! I see you reading my story, but not voting or commenting. I have 2 endings for this story which I havent decided yet. If you guys don't start commenting or voting, I will  give you a bad ending. Do you guys want it ? 🤨😏


Tae sighed but nodded in agreement.

Tae: "Alright, I'll be there."

His mother smiled at the compromise.

Mom: "Good. Now, let's all have dinner and get some rest. Tomorrow will be a busy day."

Dad: "I know these events aren't your favorite, but it's important for the family. And who knows? Maybe you'll find something interesting there."

Mom: "Speaking of which, I need to finish unpacking and get dinner ready. Why don't you take a break, Tae? You've had a long day."

As dinner wrapped up, his parents retired to their room, exhausted from the trip, while Tae excused himself. He quietly made his way to the kitchen, preparing a small plate of leftovers for Hana. When he brought it up to his room, she was sitting on the bed, waiting for him.

Tae: (handing her the plate) "Here, you must be hungry."

Hana: (taking the plate with a smile) "Thank you, Tae. How did it go with your parents?"

Tae: (sitting beside her) "They're good. They just got back from an archaeology trip, found some interesting stuff. Oh, and there's an auction in two days that I have to attend."

Hana: (curious) "Auction?"

Tae: (nodding) "Yeah, it's something our family does. It's usually antiques and historical items... not really my thing, but it's important."

After Hana finished eating, Tae started to clear up making his way to couch.

Tae: "You should take the bed. I'll sleep on the couch."

Hana: (shaking her head) " Tae, You can't fit on that couch. I'll be fine there."

They went back and forth, debating, until Hana suggested they just share the bed. As they lay in the quiet room, the dim light casting soft shadows, Hana's voice broke the silence.

There was a certain heaviness in her tone that made Tae turn his head to listen closely.

Hana: (softly) "You know, Tae, my mother passed away when I was very young. The memories I have of her are few, but they're precious to me. My father... he's always been so busy, fulfilling his duties. He's protective and loves me dearly, but there's always something more important that pulls him away."

Tae didn't interrupt, sensing that she needed to get these thoughts out.

Hana: (continuing) "Soojin was always there for me, though. She's my age, but she's taken care of me since we were little. She filled the gap when my father couldn't be there. We practically grew up together, more like sisters than anything else."

Tae: (gently) "It sounds like Soojin means a lot to you."

Hana: (nodding) "She does. She's the one person who's always been by my side, through everything. She understood how lonely I felt after my mother died, even when I couldn't express it.

My father tried to be there for me, but he had so many responsibilities. He always told me that he loved me, but I could see how much he struggled to balance his duty and his care for me."

Hana reached up, touching the hairpin delicately positioned in her hair, her fingers brushing against it as if drawing comfort from its presence.

Hana: "This hairpin... it's the only thing my mother left me. I've kept it close all these years. It's like having a piece of her with me, something tangible to hold onto when I miss her the most."

Tae: (softly) "It's a beautiful way to keep her memory alive."

Hana's eyes grew distant, her thoughts drifting back to the moment she last saw Soojin.

Hana: "I can't help but wonder what Soojin is doing right now. I promised her I'd be back in a few hours that day, before the rain started. She must be so worried, thinking something awful happened to me. I was supposed to return, but then... this happened, and I'm here now, in your time."

Tae: (thoughtful) "Time travel is strange, Hana. Maybe not much time has passed for Soojin back in the Joseon Dynasty. It could still be the same day, just like you left."

Hana: (hopeful) "I hope you're right. I hate the thought of her worrying about me. She's always been the one to take care of me, but now I'm the one who's gone."

Tae: "We'll find a way to make this right.

They fell silent, the weight of their conversation heavy between them. Hana's thoughts drifted to Soojin and her father, while Tae's mind raced with the mystery they needed to solve.

Slowly, the room's quiet and their shared warmth eased them into sleep, the day's worries fading away as they rested beside each other.

The early morning light peeked through the curtains, gently waking Tae. He opened his eyes to find Hana nestled against his chest, her breathing steady and peaceful.

He felt a strange mix of shyness and warmth, carefully wrapping his arm around her.Just as he was about to close his eyes again, he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. His heart skipped a beat!!!!!!!!!

 His heart skipped a beat!!!!!!!!!

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To be continued!!!!!

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