Chapter 45: Back to the Joseon Mysteries

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As Tae, Minho, and the young man watched, Princess Na-Rae approached the edge of a small cliff overlooking the palace courtyard. Without hesitation, she moved to jump off.

Minho and the young man stood frozen, their eyes wide in shock and confusion.

Young Man: (shouting) "What is she doing? Is she crazy?"

Before either of them could react, Tae shhhh .... don't shout, he moved swiftly, grabbing Na-Rae's arm just as she was about to leap. With a steady hand, he helped her down, his actions calm and practiced.

Minho: (still in shock) "What just happened? Can she... can she really do that?"

Tae turned to them, his expression unfazed. "We're used to this. She's done it before.

Tae: (firmly) "Enough. We need to go now-it's not safe to stay here long. Captain Yi could be here any minute."

With that, Tae led the group away from the palace, their journey through the dangers of the Joseon Dynasty just beginning.

As the group made their way through the Joseon Dynasty town, they eventually arrived at the modest home of Tae's close friend, Jimin.

The night was still, and Tae carefully led them to the bedroom, ensuring not to disturb Jimin's parents who were likely asleep.

Tae: (whispering) "Jimin's not here. He's probably with his girlfriend. I'll get some clothes for you to change into."

He quietly opened a chest, retrieving traditional Joseon Dynasty attire. As Tae handed the garments to Minho and the young man, they both looked at him with wide-eyed confusion.

Young Man: (bewildered) "What's going on? Why do we need to wear these clothes?"

Minho: (still processing) "And how do you know your way around here so well, Tae?"

Tae:(calmly) "I'll explain everything, but right now, we need to blend in. We can't afford to stand out."

Meanwhile, back at the palace

Princess Na-Rae carefully navigated the dark corridors, ducking down to avoid being seen. She quickly made her way to her chambers, where her lady-in-waiting, Sojin, was waiting.

As soon as Na-Rae entered, she rushed into Sojin's arms, embracing her tightly.

Princess Na-Rae: (emotionally) "I missed you, Sojin. You have no idea how much."

Sojin: (confused) "Princess, what do you mean? You just left a little while ago. I thought you'd stay longer."

Princess Na-Rae: (confused) "What are you talking about, Sojin? I've been gone for over 10 days."

Sojin pulled back slightly, studying the princess with a puzzled expression.

Sojin: "Ten days? You're joking, right? You were only gone for a short while. Wait, did you tell him who you really are? Did you confess your feelings?"

Princess Na-Rae: (shaking her head) "He knows I'm Princess Na-Rae, but I didn't get the chance to confess."

Sojin, noticing the princess's damp clothes, gasped and quickly moved to help her.

Sojin: "Oh no, Princess! You're soaking wet. You'll catch a cold. Come, let me dry your hair. And where did you get this beautiful dress? Did guard Taehyung give it to you?"

Sojin bombarded Na-Rae with questions, but the princess, still disoriented, could only nod and hum in response. As she changed into more comfortable clothes, her thoughts were consumed with memories of Tae, and she eventually drifted off to sleep, thinking of him.

Back in Jimin's room

As Minho and the young man changed into their new attire, they couldn't contain their questions any longer.

Minho: "Tae, what's really going on? How did we end up here, and why are we dressed like this?"

Tae took a deep breath and began to explain, recounting everything that had happened—from the mysterious book and its missing pages to the strange old man in the bookstore, and the attacks on Princess Na-Rae both in the Joseon Dynasty and their world.

As Tae finished his story, Minho's face turned serious.

Minho: "Who's behind all this? Who would want to harm Na-Rae?"

Youngman: "Then what about my girlfriend?"

Tae: I have no idea, we need to find out everything.

Everyone became silent,

Tae couldn't help but worry about the princess, wondering if she had reached her chamber safely or if anyone had noticed her return.

The weight of the situation pressed heavily on him as they all settled down for the night, their minds racing with unanswered questions.

The next morning, Jimin returned home and entered his room, only to be met with a surprising sight. Tae and the other two young men were sprawled across the floor, still half-asleep. Youngman was the first to stir, and when he saw Jimin, his face lit up with recognition.

Youngman: (excited) "Jimina! My shorty!"

(pointing to Tae) "This idiot was telling me last night that we time-traveled. I knew he was messing with me!"

Youngman leapt up, hugging Jimin tightly. Tae and Minho also woke up, and Tae quickly joined in, pulling youngman  away and embracing Jimin.

Tae:(grinning) "I missed you, Jiminaahhaaa!"

Jimin, utterly confused, pushed Tae back a little, looking between youngman and Tae with disbelief.

Jimin: "Wait, wait... First of all," (pointing at Youngman) "I don't know you. And second," (turning to Tae) "You saw me last night! What's with the sudden reunion?"

Youngman looked at Jimin, his face falling.

Youngman looked at Jimin, his face falling

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To be continued!!!!!

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