Chapter 32 : The Warmth of You

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Tae: (thinking) No, she can't be gone. She has to be here, somewhere. Please, let her be here...

Just as despair began to grip him fully, Tae heard a faint sound-a soft, rhythmic snoring coming from his room. The sound was so subtle that he almost missed it. His heart leaped as he followed the noise, his hands trembling as he approached the bottom cupboard in his room. With a mix of hope and fear, he slowly opened it, revealing Hana curled up inside, sleeping peacefully in the small space.

A wave of overwhelming relief crashed over Tae, and he felt his knees nearly buckle. He knelt down, his tears of fear turning into tears of joy as he watched her sleep. A shaky smile formed on his face, the terror of the last few minutes fading away.

Tae: (thinking) She's really here.

Tae knelt beside the cupboard, the relief overwhelming him to the point where he couldn't hold back a few soft sobs. The sound was just enough to stir Hana from her sleep. Her eyes fluttered open, and she saw Tae kneeling there, tears in his eyes. Concern immediately washed over her.

Hana: (worried) "Tae, what's wrong? What happened?"

Without saying a word, Tae reached out and pulled Hana into a tight embrace. The suddenness of the hug caught Hana off guard, but she quickly wrapped her arms around him, feeling a strange mix of confusion and happiness. It was the first time he had hugged her like this.

Tae: (softly) "Why were you sleeping here?"

Hana hesitated for a moment, still processing the warmth of his hug before she answered.

Hana: "I think before you left, you didn't let your parents know you were going out. Your mom knocked on the door, and I panicked, so I hid here. She came in, cleared the breakfast plates, and cleaned your room. I don't know when I fell asleep, but I woke up to the sound of you... sobbing. What happened? Are you okay?"

Tae pulled back slightly, just enough to look into her eyes, his own still glistening with tears.

Tae: (relieved) "Yes, I'm okay. It's just... for a moment, I thought I lost you."

Before he could stop himself, he leaned in and kissed her forehead, a gesture filled with all the emotions he had been holding back.

Hana blushed at the tender kiss, her heart racing. Tae suddenly realized what he had done and quickly broke the hug, his own cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Tae: (awkwardly) "Sorry, I didn't mean to..."

They both looked away, the air between them thick with unspoken feelings. After a moment, Hana couldn't help but smile.

Tae cleared his throat, trying to break the awkward silence that had settled between them.

Tae: (awkwardly) "So, um... I was thinking about visiting my grandparents' village again. There's something I need to check out, and I'd like you to come with me. We can leave tomorrow morning and be back by evening."

Hana's smile widened at the idea of spending more time with him, especially after everything that had happened.

Hana: (softly) "I'd love to go with you."

A sense of relief washed over Tae at her response. Just then, they heard the sound of the front door opening and closing, followed by familiar voices. Tae's parents had returned.

Tae: (whispering) "My parents are home. I'll go talk to them about the trip."

Tae headed downstairs, where Tae's parents were unpacking a few grocery bags. His father looked up as Tae approached, smiling warmly.

Dad: "Tae, you're back. How was your day?"

Tae: (trying to sound casual) "It was good, Dad. How was your trip? You were gone for two weeks this time, right?"

His mother chimed in, her eyes lighting up as she recalled the adventure.

Mom: "Yes, two weeks! We were on the outskirts of a remote area, deep into our archaeological project. We found some really fascinating artifacts. I wish you could've been there, Tae-you would've loved it."

Tae: (genuinely interested) "Really? What did you find this time?"

Dad: (grinning) "Well, it's a long story, but we unearthed a set of ancient pottery and a few relics that seem to date back several centuries. It was challenging, but so rewarding. We're still trying to piece together the history of the region. I'll show you some photos later."

Mom: "There was also an interesting discovery of some old manuscripts. We're still working on translating them, but they might give us more insight into the local culture."

Tae: (nodding) "That sounds amazing. I'd love to see those manuscripts. Maybe they could help with my own project."

His father's eyes narrowed slightly, curious.

Dad: "Your project? What are you working on, Tae?"

Tae: (carefully) "It's, uh, something related to historical research. I'm actually planning to go to Grandpa and Grandma's village tomorrow to check out something. I think there's a connection that could be useful."

Dad: "That's a good idea. It's important to explore all avenues when working on something important. But speaking of important things, I wanted to mention there's an auction coming up in two days. The whole family needs to attend."

Tae's expression faltered slightly. He wasn't fond of these events, especially when he had so much on his mind, but he knew better than to argue.

Tae: "Do I have to go, Dad? I've got a lot going on with the project."

Dad: (firmly) "Yes, Tae. It's important, and as part of the family, you need to be there. It's not just about the auction; it's about our family's presence and responsibilities."

To be continued!!!!!

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To be continued!!!!!

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