Chapter 56: The Silent Struggle of Love and Jealousy

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A few days later, Jimin approached Jungkook with a curious expression.

Jimin: "Hey, Kookie, did you hear about the new guy?"

Jungkook looked up, not particularly interested.
Jungkook: "What new guy?"

Jimin: "Hyun-Soo. He transferred to Mi-Rae's class. He's been hanging out with her a lot-canteen, library, class... everywhere."

He paused, eyeing Jungkook. "Looks like he's already into her."

A sudden surge of jealousy coursed through Jungkook, but he tried to keep his cool.

Jungkook: "I don't care, Jimin."

But the truth was, he did. A lot. Over the next few days, Jungkook found himself unable to ignore the thought of Hyun-Soo being around Mi-Rae. His curiosity and jealousy got the better of him, and he began to follow them around campus, watching from a distance.

In the hallways, his eyes would narrow whenever he saw Hyun-Soo walking beside Mi-Rae, their heads close in conversation.

In the canteen, he'd sit far enough not to be seen but close enough to hear their laughter.

At the library, Jungkook would lurk in the aisles, his heart burning with irritation every time Hyun-Soo smiled at her.

Jungkook (muttering to himself): "What does he think he's doing, getting so close to her..."

But he couldn't bring himself to confront her, not yet.

As the days passed, Jungkook's frustration only grew. He tried to act like he didn't care, but every time he saw Mi-Rae with Hyun-Soo, jealousy flared up inside him.

One afternoon, Jungkook leaned against a tree near the canteen, arms crossed, watching as Mi-Rae and Hyun-Soo sat together, laughing about something.

Jimin walked up beside him, noticing the intense gaze Jungkook had on them.

Jimin: "You know, if you keep stalking them like this, people are going to start noticing."

Jungkook: "I'm not stalking. I'm... observing."

His voice was clipped, eyes still fixed on Mi-Rae and Hyun-Soo.

Jimin raised an eyebrow.

Jimin: "Right. Observing. But you know this won't solve anything, right? If you're jealous, just tell her."

Jungkook sighed heavily.

Jungkook: "I'm not jealous."

Jimin smirked.
Jimin: "Yeah, sure you're not. That's why you've been following them everywhere for days."

Jungkook: "It's not about that. She's hiding something, Jimin. I can feel it."

Jimin: "Maybe. But ignoring her and then secretly following her around isn't going to make her tell you. If you want answers, talk to her."

Jungkook stayed silent, watching as Hyun-Soo playfully nudged Mi-Rae.

His jaw clenched in frustration. Later that day, Jungkook found himself at the library once again, watching Mi-Rae and Hyun-Soo studying together.

The frustration bubbling inside him reached its peak. Unable to bear it any longer, he left the library.

A few days later, Hyun-Soo decided to propose to Mi-Rae in front of the whole college. He knelt down on one knee, holding out a small box, his voice clear for everyone to hear.

Hyun-Soo: "Mi-Rae, will you go out with me?"

From a little distance away, Jimin and Jungkook were watching.

Jungkook's frustration and anger flared up as he saw what was happening.

Jungkook: "I can't believe this."

His fists clenched, trying to control his emotions.

Before Mi-Rae could respond, Jungkook stormed towards them. He reached her just in time, gently but firmly taking her wrist.

Jungkook: "She's mine."

His voice was steady, but the intensity in his eyes spoke volumes.

Mi-Rae felt her heart skip a beat, happiness and shyness washing over her as Jungkook pulled her away.

They walked towards the parking lot in silence, the weight of everything that had just happened hanging in the air.

When they reached his bike, Jungkook let go of her wrist, leaning against the bike with a frustrated expression.

Mi-Rae: "Jungkook..." she started, unsure of what to say.

Jungkook cut her off, his voice low and serious.

Jungkook: "Get on the bike."

Mi-Rae, sensing his frustration, didn't argue. She quietly climbed onto the bike and held onto the back of his shirt.

Jungkook glanced over his shoulder.
Jungkook: "Babe, do you want to fall off? Hold me properly."

Mi-Rae's heart skipped again at the sound of him calling her "babe" after so long.

Without waiting for an answer, he tugged her hands around him, pulling her into a tight hug.

Mi-Rae's cheeks flushed as she shyly smiled. Jungkook noticed her smile in the bike's mirror and couldn't help but grin.

 Jungkook noticed her smile in the bike's mirror and couldn't help but grin

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To be continued!!!!!

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