The Ones I Choose

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I never asked myself why
I fall for the wrong ones,
But now, I think I know.
It's not their charm or their wit,
But the ease of it all—
The safety in their distance,
The quiet in their chaos.

I see their potential,
And like an artist with trembling hands,
I paint a picture of what could be.
I imagine the love they might give,
The warmth they could bring,
If only they saw the world
Through the lens of my belief in them.

But maybe,
It's because I feel too much.
When the weight of my own heart
Threatens to break me,
Not feeling at all
Becomes the most alluring option.

And so, I reach for the unreachable,
Fall for the unavailable,
Seek solace in the arms
That will never hold me long.
Because loneliness whispers
That anything is better than its echo,
And doubt murmurs
That I am not the right one for anyone.

But here, in the stillness of this thought,
I wonder—
When will I stop chasing shadows?
When will I be the one
To see my own worth?
The love I give so freely,
Perhaps it's time to turn inward,
To let it bloom within me,
Before I offer it again.


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